Travis - Lovable Goof

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PAIRING: Travis x F-Reader
Words: 670


"So, what do you want to watch?" Travis quizzed as he walked into the room, fluffy blanket and pillows in his arms which were soon thrown onto the couch. You walked in behind him, placing various snacks and diet cokes on the table before walking over to the couch and picking up the NowTV remote.

"How about Endgame?" you quizzed, seeing it on the Trending section. You felt Travis kneel beside you, his hand coming up and resting on your back as he looked over the screen.

"Nah, we watched that a few weeks back." He shook his head, eyes flickering between the titles as you started to scroll through again. "how about.. Love Actually?"

You turned and smile, a sigh leaving your lips, "No T, we watched that last night"

He just shrugged, a light blush tinting his cheeks before shrugging and leaning his head down on your shoulder, "Fine.. didn't like it that much anyway" he lied in a mumble.

"How about... Titanic?" You suggested, clicking on the film to see the description and film length. He grinned slightly and shook his head,

"You really think you're going to stay awake for 3 hours to watch it?"

"Just because I fell asleep during all of the Harry Potters, doesn't mean I was tired" you admitted, raising your eyebrows to raise your point.

"Hey! Harry Potter is an amazing a classic collection of films, you cant be bored watching them!" He tried to argue with a fake posh accent on, but you just shook your head,

"Sorry Trav, but I can" Travis' only answer was a swift huff, knowing there was no point in trying to argue with you. He took the remote and click play before grabbing your hand and pulling you to the couch. He flopped on first but you were soon wrapped up in his limbs, legs tangled in yours and his arms wrapped tightly around your waist, face leaning against your head between your shoulder and neck.

The film was nearly half way through, snacks mostly gone but Travis still felt peckish.

"mmm you smell like popcorn" he mentioned quietly, breathing in your skin and placing light kisses to your jaw.

"You want some more? We have half a bag left in the kitchen" you said, reaching for the bowl that was on the floor in front of you. Travis just hummed in response his eyes closed, you knew that meant yes.

"Wait. Don't go.. please don't leave me" Travis pleaded quietly. The sad and defeated voice he put on making you laugh as you sat up.

You tried your best to wriggle your way out of his arms, his grip around your waist like a python with its pray, just your python was as threatening as a daisy. As his hands tried to grip your t-shirt more, his fingers grazed against your skin causing you to giggle and escape his grip as you hurried from his tickles.

"y/nnnnn.." He whined, pouting his lips as you turned back around to look at him. His arms outstretched childishly, the spot where you had been lying leaving a slight indent in the couch, his hoodie risen up slightly from where you had been wriggling before.

"Babe you literally just said you wanted more popcorn!" You stated with a chuckle, seeing your boyfriend act so childishly, holding up the almost empty bowl that only had popcorn kernels left.

"I don't want you to leave, you're nice and warm and I was comfortable" he grumbled, crossing his arms and having a childlike frown with his features. You just rolled your eyes,

"Do you want more popcorn?" you asked simply, shaking the empty bowl. Travis looked from the TV, to you, to the bowl and back to you before nodding.

"But hurry back!" He called as you made your way into the kitchen, a smile on your lips but a shake of your head for your needy but loveable goof of a boyfriend.

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