How They Find & Deal With Your Insecurities: Pt2

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Travis: Cheeks

You and Travis were not official, you'd been flirting and cuddling non-stop for months and the guys had assumed you were dating by now.

Today was another cuddling session for you two, Travis led down on the couch and you practically on top of him, your hoodies basically blending into one you were so close. The TV had some stream on but neither of you were watching, it was there for background noise while you enjoyed each others company.

Travis' hand was mindlessly scrunching the back of your hoodie while the other scrolled on his phone. Your eyes were closed and breathing slowing as you relaxed. Suddenly there was a bright light, your eyes shooting open and being met with the screen of Travis' phone, slowly your eyes focused to see a picture of you against Travis – your cheek properly pressed against him and slightly squashing one of your eyes.

"oh my god Travis delete that!" you pleaded, turning your head to look up at him, seeing him grinning as he held his phone up to see the photo.

"No! you look so cute!" he cheered, making sure it was saved, secretly making it his background photo.

You blush and leant up, so you were kneeling on the sofa besides Travis and pouted.

"At least take a photo of me when I'm ready and my cheeks don't look fat" you said, playing with the sleeves of your hoodie that fell past your fingers as you over exaggeratedly posed.

"You look so cute, your cheeks aren't fat – they're adorable and squashable" he replied, shaking his head and sitting up. He dropped his phone besides him and moved his hands so they were cupping your face. Then using his thumbs to press your cheeks into you. You blushed again and tried shaking his hands off you.

"You're like an adorable chipmunk" he cooed, lightly shaking your head. Your heart rate raised as you took in his sweet smile and soft eyes while they themselves were studying your face. He then stopped his movements and held your face, his eyes darting down to your lips for a second before his own cheeks went rosy. "You're too cute"

"Right back at you T" you replied, turning your head and pressing a kiss to his wrist before moving so you were cuddling him again. Pressing your face into his chest with a big smile.


Noah: Loyalty

Tonight, was your first proper fight as a couple. No over something stupid like before. Noah had told you he was going out with his friends for a few drinks, nothing over the top and he wouldn't be late back since he was staying at yours for a couple days while his bathroom was fixed at his house, and you had planned to go to brunch the next day.

He didn't lie either. He was back at about 10:30, only had drunk 3 drinks and got a taxi home. You heard the front door to your flat latch and lock, and Noah call to you to say he was back.

"I'm in the living room!" you replied, then hearing his sock-clad feet shuffle towards the room.

You watched as he appeared in the door frame, smiling as your eyes met. Then he leaped over the back of the sofa, igniting a laugh from you and you cuddled into him as his arms wove round your waist.

"Had a good time?" you asked against his shoulder, fingers lightly stroking his hair.

You felt him nod, "Was great! Lucy managed to win two free drinks and Tony was telling me about how amazing San Francisco was this time of year – said we should visit"

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