How They Like To Hug You:

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January 2021 update: Used to include Carson, now removed for obvious reasons.

Cooper: You On His Lap, Facing Him

Cooper felt the closest to you this way. Usually on his bed or on the couch, his legs crossed and you sat on his thighs, legs around his hips and interlocked behind him. His arms would wrap beneath yours and be gripping the opposite sides of you while yours tied around his shoulders or neck – depending if his head nuzzled into you or not. They were always tight and comforting, wanting to just feel every inch of your body against his.


Schlatt: His Arms Over Your Shoulders

It would usually just start with the one. If you were stood up you were the perfect height for Schlatt to wrap his arm around your shoulders, either leaving his hand hanging for you to routinely grab or lightly holding the roundness of your arm. He would then move you to be in front of him, wrapping the other arm just below where the current one rested and pulling you to him. Your arms would fold at his waist and hands rest on his back, sometimes gripping his top or lightly stroking the area making Schlatt sigh happily against your head.


Ted: His Head on Your Chest

Ted loved hugging you no matter the time, but his favourite was when you were both lead down. You'd be on your back, usually one knee bent and resting against the back of the couch or against Ted once he was lead down too. He'd rest himself over you, his head placed on your chest with his ear over your heart, arms around your waist or gripping your sides. Your fingers moved subconsciously against his back, sometimes in his hair, down his neck or dancing along his spine over his top. Ted loved the feeling of you being so close, when he hugged you like this he didn't feel like he was a giant, he was just Ted.


Charlie: One Hand On The Back of Your Neck

Charlie would usually initiate this kind of hug, he'd bring his hand up from holding yours and start running through your hair before resting on the nape. He'd tug you lightly and bring you to him. His hand would remain there as you leant your face to his chest and wrap his other arm around your waist while yours placed themselves around his. Charlie's chin would usually end up resting on top of your head too, placing a kiss to your hair as his thumb stroked your skin.


Travis: His Arms Around Your Waist

This boy liked it simple. He could be stood at any point in a 360 degree circumference around you, and would have his arms around your waist. Even if you weren't hugging back, he just wanted to squeeze you. Obviously he preferred it when you hugged back, having your arms around his neck and cheek pressed to his as you both lightly swayed and giggled, heating him from the inside.


Noah: Your Back To Him, His Arms Over Your Hips

This hug mainly happened when you were both stood watching something. A firework show, at the zoo or even just watching Cooper skate at the park. Noah loved to stand behind you with your back to his chest, his arms loosely leaning around your hips and his hands holding yours as they crisscrossed over your torso. They weren't the most tight and meaningful hugs, but he loved being able to see the world with you wrapped up in his arms.


Josh: You On His Lap, Turned Away

Josh would often pull you onto his lap, much preferring you to sit on him than besides him. He would do it on stream or when he was with his friends, just having you close and literally on top of him all he wanted. He would pull you close with his arms around your stomach, always lightly tickling your sides so he would know you'd be smiling before your back would rest to his chest, your hands lightly stroking his arms as they sat around you.


John: Whenever You Sat on Something Tall

Though you had chairs in the kitchen, you loved to perch up on the counter-top. John would find you there often, with your legs mindlessly swinging as you swiped on your phone or had your breakfast. He loved to come along and stand between your thighs, bringing his arms around your torso and resting his head into the crook of your neck to place kisses to your skin. Usually your hands would find their way to his hair and play with it, other times they rest around his back and play with the cotton of his top.


Jaren: Your Hand In His Against Your Chests, The Other Around Your Waist

Jaren first held you like this while you were dancing. It was late at night and you were round his house, both in your pyjamas and high on tiredness. He had put some music on and, with his hand interlocked with yours, pulled you to him. Both your arms bent and pressed between your chests, his free arm coming around and laying against your waist before he'd leant down and presses a kiss to your knuckles. Your free hand sat around his neck, dancing through the hairs at the bottom of his nape while you swayed together. Almost every night Jaren held you like this, even if it was deadly silent, just to hold you close in a way he only did with you.

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