Warm Welcome

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I am back baby!
Sorry it took this long guys but like I told some of you, I had exams to study. The next chapter may or may not come soon after, still don't get your hopes up. And please leave comments, I'm not a mind reader guys I can't tell what you like or don't like from votes. Thank you all for waiting I hope you enjoy the chapter.

This was the day.

The day that Amoriel and her male bestie Jason go back to their home

Amoriel was trying desperately to cover up her obvious excitement but as you can imagine, suppressing her emotions wasn't exactly her cup of tea. Their travel to the Roman camp gave the her a lot of time to freak out and be done with it– although the same couldn't be said for her new friend Annabeth, who still yet to stop pacing.

Annabeth had tried to give the Romans a heads-up. She’d asked Leo to send one of his special inventions—a holographic scroll—to alert their friends inside the camp. Hopefully the message had gotten through. 

Annabeth was constantly worrying and questions swirled around her mind. What if Percy didn't remember? Was Percy even at the Roman camp? What if he had found a life there, similar to how Amoriel and Jason had?

Amoriel and Jason

Annabeth tried to hide it, but she still didn’t completely trusted Jason. He acted too perfect—always following the rules, always doing the honorable thing. He looked too perfect.

His long time best friend Amoriel though was a whole another subject. The first thing you notice about the girl other than her being insanely attractive was that she was really easy to fall in love with. She was at the camp half-blood for less than a year but it was more than enough for her to wrap the half of the camp around her finger. Given to who her godly parent is that didn't suprised Annabeth. But she was nothing like her paternal aunts and uncles in the Aphrodite cabin. Yes, she was flirty, mischievous, cunning and had problem with modesty, often seen making plans to matchmake other campers but she never made fun of someone's imperfections, also from what she saw during training hours and capture the flag the girl could kick ass like no tomorrow and was better at archery than any kid of apollo. She was fiercely loyal and compassionate to her friends and although flirty with everyone she was completely faithful to her boyfriend. Speaking of boyfriend...

Leo and Amoriel got even closer these past few months. They were always near each other like some unexplainable connection that pulled them to each other. Leo looked at Amoriel as if she'd hang the moon and stars for him. Hand-holding, hugs and kissing each other and gods knows what else had become the norm for them. They were uncomfortably affectionate towards each other. Which was apart from the pranking and bad jokes was another reason why so many people didn't like Leo.

Suddenly the clouds broke around their hull, revealing the gold-and-green carpet of the Oakland Hills below them. Annabeth gripped one of the bronze shields that lined the starboard rail.

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