Hero to Zero

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I want to dedicate this chapter to @luciaMagda_1 who gave me inspiration with their kind words. 🦊

Amoriel rose to the top of the ocean in a relatively good mood

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Amoriel rose to the top of the ocean in a relatively good mood.

But man was she tired. It was a sweet tiredness though, like the one that you feel at the end of a day you spent swimming in the sea.

When they popped to the surface, she was surprised to be wrapped in a hug by Piper.

"hey pipsqueak!" she said happily, but Piper was mad.

"Where were you? How are you guys alive?"

"Long story," Leo said. A picnic basket bobbed to the surface next to him. "Want a brownie?"

Once they got on board and changed into clean clothes, amoriel decided on one of Leo's sweat shırts and some shorts. One of the benefits of having a boyfriend the same size as you, you can dive into his closet whenever you like. When Amoriel finished changing, she made her way back to the quarterdeck.

the crew all gathered on there for a celebratory breakfast—except for Coach Hedge, who grumbled that the atmosphere was getting too cuddly for his tastes and went below to hammer out some dents in the hull.

While Leo fussed over his helm controls, Hazel and Frank related the story of the fish-centaurs and their training camp. Amoriel didn't join the storytelling because her mind was clouded by the mind-blowing deliciousness of the brownies Aphros generously gave them. Chocolate has always been Amoriel's kryptonite.

"Incredible," Jason said. "These are really good brownies."

"That's your only comment?" Piper demanded.

He looked surprised. "What? I heard the story. Fish-centaurs. Merpeople. Letter of intro to the Tiber River god. Got it. But these brownies—"

"I know," Amoriel said with her mouth full. She was looking at the browny in her hand like she wanted to kiss it.

"Try them with Esther's peach preserves," Frank suggested.

"That," Hazel said, "is incredibly disgusting."

"Pass me the jar, man," Jason said.

Hazel and Piper exchanged a look of total exasperation. Boys.

Percy, for his part, wanted to hear every detail about the aquatic camp. He kept coming back to one point: "They didn't want to meet me?"

"It wasn't that," Hazel said. "Just...undersea politics, I guess. The merpeople are territorial. The good news is they're taking care of that aquarium in Atlanta. And they'll help protect the Argo II as we cross the Atlantic."

"they said it wasn't personal," Amoriel told him. Paying more attention to the conversation as her browny finished. "don't be mad at the mer-centaurs."

Percy nodded absently. "But they didn't want to meet me?"

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