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             around mid-july, the class was already starting. sol unattentively listens to her professor whilst scribbling down at the back of her notebook.

the girl was located at the back of the classroom, eyes drooping as she finds the discussion somewhat boring.

her mind was drifting off somewhere when suddenly, the door burst open causing her to snap back into reality.

"sorry i'm late." a familiar voice spoke causing her to perked up in an instant, eyes lighting up in excitement.

feeling the tiredness draining out from her body- becoming energetic just by the sound of his voice, the girl grinned widely as he made his way toward his designated seat, right beside her.

"injeolmi" she quietly called, trying to get his attention by the nickname she calls him.

the silver-haired boy could only sigh in distress, not even bothering to look at his left side just to see the girl giving him heart eyes. not today.

"injun" she whispered, chin resting on her palm as she observes his side profile.

for sol, a word to describe renjun is beautiful, gorgeous, ethereal, breathtaking-- every beautiful word she could think of suits him.

everything about him is just perfect. if you ask sol why she likes him? simple she would just describe him.

his long eyelashes, pointed nose, pretty eyes that hold the entire universe, his fluffy hair, and when he smiles his little dimples come out and it's the most precious thing ever.

huang renjun is beyond perfect, breathtaking and all. everything about him, she likes- no loves, loves every detail of him.

no matter how good or worst his personality is, she would still accept him. that is just love, for her.

he looks angelic.

not only that, but his voice is also very angelic. just let him say a word-- it's already a piece of music for her-- his voice, is like a soft melody for her every time he speaks, and sure she is whipped for him.

and while she was daydreaming, the girl did not notice that the bell had rung.

their subject teacher had dismissed them already, leaving the students to chatter while they wait for their next period.

sol took that chance to move her chair next to his, causing him to raise his head in her direction.

"injun" sol sweetly called, her elbows resting on the side of his desk yet renjun only gave her a blank stare before returning his attention to his notebook.

not wanting to converse early in the morning.

"how are you injunie? did you get a good sleep? did you eat your breakfast? are you okay?" sol bombarded him with tons of questions to which he only nodded in response.

for some people, they might think that renjun was ignorant towards her and is showing a rude side of his personality but to her, it wasn't.

she was just glad that the boy still answered her even though it's just a nod- it was already enough for the girl's heart to swell in joy.

sol then fell silent, and renjun could feel her burning gaze to his side-- getting confused and distracted by the girl's behavior yet he didn't utter a word. knowing sol, the girl would talk nonstop once he interacts with her.

yet he was curious so renjun slowly look at her side to see her looking directly at him and a dreamy smile was tugging on her lips.

"what are you doing?" he quirks, arching an eyebrow and sol giggled upon hearing his voice.

"admiring an art." she casually flirted, and renjun only shook his head. he then returned his gaze to his work.

"stop wasting your time do your homework" he instructed, not even bothering to look at the smiling girl beside him as he focuses on finishing his drawing.

her smile faltered after hearing the word 'homework'-- eyes widening after realizing they have homework on science and that has to be pass by next period.

sol scurried off from his table-- hands frantically shaking as she fumbled through her bag looking for her notebook. renjun shook his head as he watched the girl panicking to do her assignment.

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