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"chug! chug! chug!" 

a bunch of party people was already crowding aesol and some random guy who challenged her to drink. a loud cheer and whistle could be heard after she chugged down the whole bottle of strong alcohol. 

she felt the burning sensation in her chest and her throat after drinking it.

"excuse me, excuse- sorry- coming through- sorry" renjun squeezed his way until he made it to the front, he stood there catching his breath after he barely made it there. 

sol was about to grab another bottle to drink when renjun quickly snatch it away from her.

"what the hell are you doing? that's enough" he gritted, renjun was not expecting this to happen. he eyes the bottle beside her to see five empty bottles, the girl was really competitive huh? 

"ooh! my boyfriend is here! sorry i give up you won- EVERYONE IT'S OVER MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS" she tipsily yelled and people around them went back to their own world, leaving them alone.

"what exactly are you doing?! why didn't you came back?" he exclaimed, scolding the girl.

"why did you miss me?" she slurred and was about to move forward when she tripped and that made renjun hurriedly held her waist for support while sol wrapped her arms around his neck to stable her balance.

"you're seriously getting to my nerves" he muttered under his breath, looking down at her who was giggling nonstop.

"what? what did you say?" she shouts, resting her head against his chest- literally a drunk mess.

"shit," renjun cursed, getting annoyed by what's happening right now. she's drunk and he doesn't know what to do know.

"renjun it's my favorite song let's dance!" the girl perked after hearing the song that was currently playing. sol easily got out of his grasp as she went towards the center to dance.

"WOOOH THIS IS MY JAM- OOH JOHNNY LOOKING DADDY!" she shouts, watching johnny dj-ing. currently, roses by chainsmokers were playing and the girl dance, feeling lightheaded and the adrenaline rushing through her. 

the girl never felt like this before, she felt like she was floating- she felt free at the moment- she danced freely, enjoying the spotlight- feeling the moment.

renjun crossed his arms, leaning his back on the wall as his intense gaze was fixated only on the girl who was dancing wildly at the center, his eyes never leaving her figure. he watched how the girl would stumble, causing for him to let out a snort, finding her adorable in her drunk state.

while sol was enjoying the song, some guy started dancing behind her, grabbing her by the waist to which she quickly yanked off, not realizing what is happening- the girl continued to dance and dance.

"hey pretty, you look hot."

"excuse me?" she gasped, pushing him away.

"i'm not hot" she yelled and the stranger scratch the back of his head from her sudden outburst.

"because i'm smokin' hot yeehaw!" she burst out laughing and went to continue her dance- obviously the guy was still following her but her eyes were closed- feeling the rhythm course through her as everything felt light for her.

renjun watched them from afar, taking two shots and going somewhere.

"excuse me that's my girl, now move." a familiar voice shouted behind her and sol whipped her head to see renjun behind her after she felt his arms wrapping around her waist, protecting her from perverts. 

clearly, she was unbothered by the fact that renjun was holding her tight by her waist as the alcohol consumed her system.

just like what she did for the past fifteen minutes, she was just dancing in his arms, enjoying his presence behind and the girl had stopped when she felt tired. 

she leaned her head on his chest- the music changing into a slow one after johnny saw the two of them in the middle.

johnny gave sol a thumbs up to which she reciprocated. her eyes fluttered closed, a smile of contentment was drawn on her face as renjun rock her from side to side- the soft melodic song in the background. 

the two stayed like that for a while, renjun continued to sway her from side to side- moving rhythmically to the song.

he just let the girl do what she wants since she's drunk and probably won't remember any of these tomorrow. sol slowly turned around, facing him upfront and renjun gazed down at her, staring directly at her eyes. 

she wrapped her arms around his neck while renjun held her tighter, pulling her close to him.

ever since the trip of them started which was twelve hours ago, renjun was just playing along with her because this trip is all about her.

 for her to have fun and would really make her stop from bothering him is to make her feel special for forty-eight hours since that is what they have agreed on but right now he wasn't sure anymore if it's still forced or because he wanted to get this close to her. 

either way, he's starting to get confused by his emotions--

that's right you got carried away by your emotions.

48 hours | huang renjunWhere stories live. Discover now