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                                              the calming waves, the serene atmosphere, peaceful sky, and a lonely girl. it was perfect, perfect to walk by the shore. her feet pattering against the white sand as the fresh air blew on her face. her hair dancing along with the wind. the girl let out a deep sigh. 

a perfect time to think. currently, it was almost sunset, renjun was left in their hotel room taking a nap and not long ago sol woke up and decided to walk to kill the time.

she watches the hues of orange and yellow sky above her, the sun over the horizon is almost setting, ready for nighttime. 

sol finds it calming, her favorite time of the day, sunset.

slowly, she took a seat on the dry sand, back leaning against a palm tree, silently admiring the beautiful nature in front. 

yes sunset is her favorite time of the day but right now it isn't- it was a sign for her that her time with him is coming to an end. 

she wanted to cry, four years, four damn years- this will stop just because of this trip.

the trip is a blessing and at the same time a nightmare for her, but what can she do? there's no going back, it's too late now and all she has to do is to spend this trip to the fullest.

and then her phone vibrated, the girl looked at the caller id to see who was calling before answering.

"hi soojin," aesol started

[sorry for not calling i didn't want to disturb your precious time with renjun] soojin said on the other line.

the said girl let out a soft chuckle before answering her. "your timing is great huh?"

[telepathy? *chuckles* let me guess you're alone right now right? and by the beach?] 

"you really know me" she chuckled.

[sunshine, i can hear the waves. anyways tell me what's bothering you.]

"damn i can't even hide anything from you" 

[best friends, i know haha but anyways how are you? are you enjoying?]


[well that's good to hear but why do you sound like you- oh my god why are you crying? sol?]

"i-i don't know" she sniffed, wiping the tears away from her face as she started crying.

[baby, stop crying i know you're sad because you will never get to bother him after this but cheer up okay? he might change his mind, you never know.]

and the call went on, soojin comforted sol, saying positive words, comforting her, and telling her things that would make her happy before they decided to end the call. 

[i love you cheer up!]

"i love you too and i will"

she quickly wiped the tears from her face, composing herself, and heavily let out a sigh. 

soojin's word really gave comfort to her, her mind wasn't a mess anymore, all thanks to soojin who was so caring. she was beyond thankful for having soojin in her life. 

"you're here" sol was quick to whip her head towards the direction of the familiar voice. 

she watched him took a seat beside her, eyes raking over the waves, not even glancing at her side.

"oh, you're awake?"

"no, i'm dead." the girl shrugged her shoulder upon receiving his response and faced front.

the two didn't utter a word afterward, silence enveloped them as they watch the sunset in tranquility, no words could describe how sol felt at the moment.

"were you crying?" renjun furrowed his eyebrows after taking a glance at her face when he heard her sniff.

"is it that obvious?" she asked, raising one of her eyebrows while looking at him.

"why did you cry?" he questions, though he knew why yet he was unsure if it's really the reason why the girl cried.

"a sand went in my eye" she lied,

"be careful next time then," sol confusedly watched him stood up, patting the sand off his butt before lending his hand for her to hold.

"let's go" he mutter, grabbing her hand instead and pulled her up while sol eyed their hand. instead of letting go of her hand renjun held it tighter and pulling her with him.

"where?" she whispered

"somewhere where you'll be happy"

"but i'm already happy with you here beside me tho"

"cringe but okay"

48 hours | huang renjunWhere stories live. Discover now