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          it was a warm saturday, sol decided to go out of her home and spend the day going to the mall.

the girl happily wore her white sneakers and bid goodbye to her mom who was sipping some tea in their living room.

"mom i'll be going!" she pecked her mother's cheek before going out of their house. a car was already parked outside of their gate, waiting for her outside.

not gonna lie, sol's family is one of the richest families in seoul and you can't deny the fact that this girl doesn't look like one on how she dresses — she doesn't show off. not that she doesn't show off but she prefers comfortable clothes than fancy dresses.

sol made her way inside the mall after her driver dropped her off at the front.

she went inside a moomin themed cafe greeting back the staff there. then she proceeds to order some dessert and drink and after that, she chose a table near the glass wall.

sol calmly sips on her drink as she waited for someone's arrival.

a wide smile crept up her face after seeing the familiar silver hair from the crowd outside the cafe. her heart skipped a beat when they made eye contact, hands cutely waving in his direction.

the silver-haired boy hastily made his way inside the cafe and slid himself into the seat in front of her.

"why'd you asked me to come here?" renjun spoke, crossing his arms against his chest— having an inner battle with himself as he tries to calm down his nerves.

renjun was in the middle of doing something important when she had called telling him to meet her up because she wanted to tell him something important.

he knew it was far from important yet here he was, sitting inside a cafe with her.

"didn't expect you to come but anyways," sol slid the food she bought for him in his direction.

"i bought you this it's good!" she happily said, taking a bite on her own cake and renjun stared at her in disbelief.

the sole reason why she chose this moomin themed cafe instead of the other ones is because it was his favorite cartoon character.

"no thank you" he shook his head causing for sol to frown. the said girl asked why but renjun said that he was full and sol insisted him to eat it since she bought it just for him.

"what did you want to say that it's important to you?" he changed the topic, getting straight to the point as renjun does not want to associate with her.

"but you've just arrived. why don't you eat the food i bought for you first" she ushered, smiling ever so sweetly to him, and renjun pursed his lips, debating whether to eat it or not— he eyed the food intensely.

"don't worry it's safe" she chuckled, shaking her head as she watches him having an internal conflict within himself.

soon, renjun finally gave in— hearing his own stomach grumbles. sol could only giggle, watching him taking a bite of the sliced cake.

the two silently ate their own desserts and sol would often glance at him. sol was happy that renjun showed up, she was extremely happy, and seeing him there sitting in front of her felt surreal.

she thought he would just leave her hanging yet here he was and she was thankful— he's still considerate after all the shenanigans she had pulled onto him.

"tell me or i'll leave you here" renjun started after finishing his cake- arching an eyebrow at the girl who was eyeing him.

"i'm offering you a deal." she began and renjun furrowed his eyebrows, waiting for her to continue.

"shit" he cursed under his breath, already knowing where will this conversation go— since it's sol, he knows something is not good.

"actually it's not a deal or a question" she quirks, scrunching her nose while she pondered for a while.

"get to the point." renjun impatiently utter, frantically tapping the table- getting nervous.

"let's go far away from the city. you and me."

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