Chapter 1

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Midnight's POV:
It was the same as every other night, at exactly 9pm I would step out onto my balcony, make my way onto the roof, lay down and watch the stars.

It has been this way since my father died. He always loved the stars, he said they were the most beautiful aspects of life, besides mom that is. The last memory I have of him is when we were stargazing, that was the very last time I got to see him smile.

My family knows by now not to disturb me after 9, it's been a tradition of mine and I keep by it. Every night is the same, no noise, just the sound of the quiet air, the night owls and the shaking of leaves.

I looked up at one of the stars and smiled, a tear slipping from my eye. "Hi dad" I whispered engulfing myself in the silence. Even if my father's has been passed on for 2 years it still hurts me every single day.

"Who are you talking to?" And that's when it happened, that's when I knew that I was not alone anymore, that someone had insight on my life. In my private moments. This has never happened before and I knew now that this changed everything. Just by one question I knew that my nights would never be the same ever again.

I turned to the person and there sat Kaden West. Little brother to Zefan West. The Wests have lived here over 18 years yet I've never spoken to any of them but I knew who they were and they knew my family,yet we didn't communicate very often.

"My dad" I said to him. "Is he up there?" Kaden asked. "Yes he is" I said as I turned to look at the sky. "Why is he up there?" Kaden asked curiously. "Because he loved the stars and he always wanted to be apart of them" I said to him in the best way I could explain to a little boy.

"Oh, I have to go before my brother finds me in his room, bye" Kaden waved and disappeared from the window, a huge grin on his face. I smiled at the thought of the interest the little boy had in my stargazing.

And hour later I went inside. I decided to take a shower and head to bed because I have classes in the morning and I wouldn't want to be late or miss out.

The next morning I woke up and went straight into my bathroom, splashing my face with cold water to wake myself up properly and dressing into my running attire. Once I was dressed I attached my phone to my band on my arm and went downstairs.

I tried my best to be quiet because everyone else in the house was still asleep,it was 5am after all.

I went into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water in the fridge and went to the front door. I unlocked it and stepped outside not forgetting to grab the key and lock the door.

Then I was off, running in the cold breeze. My body was cold but I knew the adrenaline of my running would fill my body with warmth soon. I usually run from my house to the park which isn't far but it's a good workout.

I have to try and at least keep my body in a certain shape. This is what I enjoyed, living in the moment of forgetting the hurtful memories but embracing all the happy memories.

I hate being reminded of everything I've lost, I'm not happy of where my family is right now and where my self termoil is but I know I will get better. Mom recommended that Star and I speak to a psychologist. Star is my older sister by the way.

Star agreed and she's been doing good but I'm just not ready to blab out all my problems to a stranger, I want someone to feel what I feel, to understand it, and maybe to help me understand it.

With that thought I came to the park and sat on one of the benches. There was nobody here and that's how I loved it. I didn't socialise very good and people just didn't find the need to talk to me but I didn't worry much.

After sitting there and catching my breath for 10 minutes I was back on my feet jogging home. I still had 2 hours left before I had to leave which was plenty of time to get ready.

I made it home and unlocked the front door, when I entered the kitchen smelled of pancakes and I knew mom was awake. "Morning mom" I said to her. She turned around and looked at me. "Morning baby, was the morning run good?" she asked.

"It was actually" I said. "Just heat these up when you eat them, I'm off to work" mom said. I went to her side and kissed her on the cheek. "See you later mom" I said to her as I went upstairs. "Enjoy your day honey" mom said as she turned the stove off and left out the door locking it.

As I went to my bathroom I got my outfit ready of today. I decided to wear a light blue pleated skirt, a white shirt and a light blue sweater that covered half of the skirt.

I decided to pair these with white over the ankle socks and my airforce 1's.

I enjoy dressing up, it makes me feel good about myself and it gives people a good impression about me, I've had people come up to me saying that they love my style but they never stick around to actually stay in my life.

As I went into the bathroom I turned the water on and undressed myself and stepped under the steaming hot water, it eased me up and made me feel clean after my jog.

I washed my waist length hair with my favorite apple shampoo and I was done.

Once I stepped out of the shower I wrapped a towel around myself and washed my face with my face wash and then added face cream.

I then dressed myself in my outfit and just deciding to leave my hair in its natural wavy state, I went downstairs to make my pancakes warm.

So how was the first chapter? This is going to be a cliche romantic but with a lot of twists🦋

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