Chapter 7

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Midnight's POV:
My dad's death isn't something I really like to talk about and Zefan noticed that because I just stayed silent.

"It's okay if -"
"My dad died two years ago, lost his life fighting the battle of life" I said.
Zefan looked at me, clearly he was confused. "My dad lost his life to cancer" I said as a matter of fact.

"I'm sorry" he said looking down. "Its okay, we learn how to live with pain" I said stating Kelly's words from earlier. "I know what it feels like to lose someone" he stated. I stared at him waiting for him to speak.

Just as he was about to the moment got interrupted and Zaria stepped in. "Are you almost done love?" she asked him glancing at me. Not in a rude way though.

I turned around and finished doing the dishes so Zefan could dry them off and head off with Zaria while I spent a little time with Kaden. After all I am here for him.

I let the water run out of the sink and left the kitchen as quick as I could. There was an awkward silence in the air, like no one knew what to say or how to react, honestly it was weird seeing Zefan be uncomfortable, it was a bit funny too.

I found Kaden sitting by the back porch staring up at the sky. "My little buddy,have you taken an interest in the midnight sky?" I asked him. He turned around at the sound of my voice with a huge smile on his face.

I sat down right next to him and joined him in looking at the sky. Footsteps were heard as I assumed Zaria and Zefan were joining us and I was right. Zefan and Zaria sat in the backyard too but further away from Kaden and I,by a table.

"Why is your dad up there?" he asked me once again. "Well, let's just say, when he was alive he would always gush about the stars and there beauty and he would always say that if he ever died and we needed him we just had to look up at the night sky and he'd be there" I said to Kaden.

"Could I become a star too?" he asked grinning at me. I took his face into both my hands and looked at him deep in his eyes. "You could become anything you want to" I said smiling.

He smiled at me, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "I really want to do painting but Zefan says only girls paint" he said sadly.

"That's not true, I'm a painter, there are so many boy students in my class, it's not only for girls, boys can do it too" I said looking over at Zefan who looked at Kaden and I. I saw Zaria saying something to Zefan and the both of them quickly got up and walked to where Kaden and I was sitting.

Zaria sat down next to me and Kaden sat next to his brother.

"Hi" Zaria said once again. "Hi" I replied back.

"Midnight, what can you tell me about the stars?" Kaden asked. "There's so much to say" I replied. He layed his head down on my lap adjusting himself to lay comfortable. "Can you please tell me something?" he asked while yawning.

"Well there are over 1 billion trillion stars in the universe,thats so much more than all the humans combined, the galaxy has a pretty big family" I said.

"Family?" Zefan asked. I looked away from a tired Kaden and looked at Zefan. "Well yes, anyone can be named a family member, just think of it like all the stars are the siblings and the earth is there mother" I stated.

"What more can you tell us?" Zaria asked and I looked at her. "Well the brightest star in the whole entire universe is Sirius A, the name of it means glowing, it's one of brightest stars that out shine all the others" I said looking up at the sky.

"Wow" Zefan said looking at me. I turned to look at him and smiled. "How do you know so much about stars?" Zaria asked. "I wish to be one of them one day and I really just love the stars so much" I said cutting myself off before I say to much.

Soft snores were coming from my lap and I knew Kaden was asleep. "Guess you're taking your brother to his room" I said to Zefan. He nodded and took his brother from my lap. When he stepped inside I was left alone with Zaria. "Midnight I know this is random and so out of place but I think you're really special and I think we could be great friends" She said surprising me.

"I don't think you'd want to be friends with me, I'm more of weird than anything" I said. "You're the right amount of weird" she replied chuckling. Hearing her say that made me chuckle.

I got up and dusted myself off. "I really should be going, I hope to see you again Zaria, it was lovely meeting you" I said stepping forward and embracing her in a hug. We hugged for a while until Zefan came out.

We pulled apart and I looked at him. He had this weird look on his face. It was mixed with sadness and fascination. Was he fascinated with me? I smiled at him. "It was lovely being here Zefan" he nodded and turned around to lead the way.

"My parents are asleep but I'll tell them you said goodbye"
"Thank you" I replied fidgeting with my hands. I only did this when I was nervous.

Once at the door he opened it for me and i walked out. "I'm going to walk you to your door" he told me. "I'll be back Zaria" he said and she smiled back at me. "You really don't have to, I literally live right next door" I said smiling at him.

"Anything can happen and I need you to be safe" he replied all serious. "Why even?" I asked amused. "Just because I need you to be" he said as we stopped at my door and my heart did a back flip.

I stood there stunned at what he said. Yes there wasn't much lines to read between but it was there. I knew it was.

"I'll see you around Midnight" he said as he walked back to his house.

'Well that was weird' I said to myself and unlocked the door and stepped inside. The lights were off but only the TV light was on in the living area. Star was probably still awake.

I went inside the living area to see her watching Regular Show. "Mind if I join?" I asked.

She turned her head around and smiled at me. She had a few tears in her eyes and I panicked.

Soooooooo... How was it?

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