Chapter 13

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Midnight's POV :
When I went inside my house no voices were heard. I went into the TV area and Star was laying on the couch with a sleeping Kaden in her lap.

Star looked like she couldn't keep her eyes open and I chuckled just looking at her. She turned to me when she heard me laugh and I smiled at her.

I sat down next to her moving Kaden's legs over my lap. "How did it go?" she asked turning to me. "Really good actually" I smiled, a hint of sadness laced in my voice.

Star sat there staring for a whole while before she spoke. "You like him don't you" she said and I immediately looked at her with shocked eyes.

"No" I replied back stubbornly. Star shook her head while smiling like a chesire cat. "Would it be that hard to actually admit you like someone?"she questioned me and I turned to her."Nothing is promised to any of us, me most of all and you know that I won't be able to even like him" I stated.

"But you do" she finished. I nodded my head sadly. "It won't do him or me any good" I smiled sadly at her.

Star yawned once more and I laughed. "I think it's time you go to bed, I'll stay here with Kaden until his brother comes" I said to Star. Star nodded her head and kissed me on the cheek. "Goodnight sis, love you" she said as she made her way to the stairs. "Love you" I said back to her.

When she was gone I flicked through the channels to find a good movie. I just decided to watch any random movie. I stared at a sleeping Kaden and smiled, he looked so cute in his sleep.

I made him comfortable on the sofa and then made myself comfortable. A blurriness took over my vision and I knew I was becoming tired. Before I could even stop it or try and stay awake a blackness clouded my vision and I fell asleep.

An annoying sound kept ringing in my ears and it's like it couldn't stop. Once I couldn't take the noise anymore my eyes bolted open and adjusted to the darkness, only the TV light was on. The sound went off again and I realised that it was the doorbell.

I got off the sofa, making sure to not wake Kaden up and I groggily walked over to the door. A very sad Zefan stood on the other side of the door. When his eyes connected with mine, guilt covered them. "Did I wake you?" he asked. "No" I yawned and he smiled.

I stood out of the way so that he could step in and he did. He made his way to where Kaden was without me even telling him where he was. He made himself comfortable on the sofa. Was he going to stay?

I locked the door once again and went to go and sit on the sofa too. I sat down on the same spot I was sitting at and Zefan was seated on another sofa.
I looked at his face and worry covered his facial features. "What's wrong?" I asked him.

He sighed a heavy sigh and smiled softly. "Is my face that obvious?" he questioned. "Pretty much" I joked with a shrug and a gorgeous smile mad it's way onto his lips.

"Zaria thinks I don't love her anymore" he breathed. "Why would she think that?" I asked him surprised. "I don't know" he said wiping his face with his hands.

"You must have given her a reason to think that" I said. "Well, I haven't told her this yet but it just seems to me that our chemistry died and that we're just two old boring people" he stated looking guilty saying that out loud.

"Zefan you shouldn't feel guilty about your feelings, why haven't you told her how you feel?" I asked. "I'm scared I hurt her feelings" he replied. "And you don't think you're doing that by showing her you kinda don't love her?" I asked. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"I didn't think of it like that" he said. I nodded my head, ready to continue. "Fix the problem in the relationship, find that chemistry that made you guys fall in love, take her out, speak to each other again, rebuild this relationship but don't give up on it" I told him.

He stared at me, affection shining brightly in his eyes. "Why didn't I meet you sooner?" he asked. "Maybe it wasn't the right time" I said. He nodded his head understanding what I meant.

"Well I have to get going, the parents are home" he said while checking his phone. I got off the sofa and so did he. He picked little Kaden gentle up, so gentle that he didn't even wake up. When Kaden was placed in his arms like a little baby, I threw a blanket over him.

I walked Zefan to the door and opened it for him as well. Just as I was about to step out and walk with him he turned around and stopped me. "No, no go back inside and go sleep young lady" he said. I chuckled at him. "You sound like my mom" I joked. "That was the plan" he laughed back.

"Goodnight" he said as he walked down my porch and over to his house. I never greeted back, something in me stopped me from doing so and I don't even know what it was.

I stepped back inside making sure to lock the door once again. I checked the time and it read midnight. Mom was still out and I didn't want to phone her so I just sent her a message.

Hope the date is going well, I'm sorry about my outburst. Get back home safe, I love you.

The message was delivered but mom was probably to busy to even read it. I switched off all the lights down stairs and the TV as well as I made my way to my room.

As I entered my room I put the light on and closed the door behind me. I looked towards my phone on my table next to my bed and my notification light was going on a off.

I quickly switched off my light and climbed into bed. I picked up my phone and checked it.

'We didn't get to have our time tonight'
The messgae read, I already knew who the message was from.

'Where's you get my number?' i aske  him.

'By that little bright Star' he replied and I chuckled. "I can't believe she gave him my number" I smiled.

I was smiling dumbly at my ceiling when my phone went off again.

'Dream sweet dreams my pretty little star' it read and I'm so glad he couldn't see my face, I was probably as read as a tomato.

I put my phone back on my dresser my smile reaching my ears.

What if I do decide to accept what I'm feeling and let him in? What would happen to Zaria then? I know he doesn't feel the same.

But one could only hope for the unfateful.

What's the one thing in the world you want the most right now?
Me - I don't even know.

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