Chapter 9

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Midnight's POV :
My heart sank, it sank for the fact that he lost his mother. It sank for the fact that this boy next to me felt like he was to blame for his mother's death.

"I'm sorry" I told him.
"Thank you" he replied.

"How?" I asked. I knew it wasn't my business to pry but there's so much to this boy that I wanted to know. It's not that I wanted to but it was a feeling of yearning to know more about him. This feeling scared me because I hardly even knew him.

"Depression and overdose" he replied. My body stilled, the shock was evident on my face, there was no way I could hide that but he didn't seem bothered.

"My mother was depressed from the age of 15, when the doctors diagnosed her with depression she went on a bunch of medication. My grandma said it made her a zombie, she would lay in bed awake at night and sometimes she would just stare into nothingness, my mom looked dead,she was dead until she met my father "he stated.

"Zachary?" I asked. He nodded his head.

"Every moment they spent together was filmed and I watched it all, she looked happier, he put the biggest grin on her face and they were together for 3 years until they had me, mom described me as the brightest star in the sky, there light at the end of the tunnel. At the age of 11,as months went by I saw my mother change, she became someone completely different, she and dad argued a lot but they'd always make up in the end"

He was done talking, I knew there was more to the story but I think his had enough for tonight.

I turned my body towards his, he turned his body towards mine and we just layed there staring at each other, vulnerability unraveling in both of us, wounds are open and battle scars are revealed but we were calm.

"Did you know stars actually die, it takes millions of years but they do die" I said and he smiled at me. "Your wonders in the universe intrigues me" he smiled.

"What can I say, I'm an intriguing human being" I chuckled lightly. "You definitely are the most fascinating girl I've ever met" he replied. Warmth spread through my cheeks at his comment.

"I'm very original" I shrugged. "No you're not" he replied and we just smiled at each other.

"Iwouldliketopaintyouoneday" I blurted out really fast, I don't even think he heard me. "Repeat that again but slower this time" he said.

"I would like to paint you one day" I said averting my eyes from him and lying on my back again facing the sky. "You paint?" he asked surprised. "It's what I'm studying for" I replied back. "Yes I would love that" he said as he too turned to face the sky.

"Only if you'd let me take pictures of you" he said. "You're studying photography" I stated. He nodded his head. "I think capturing the beauty of life adds more to what we experience" he said.

"And I think that adding more color to the world would finally even out the dullness in it" I said. "That's why you paint?" he asked. "Yes" I said. "It's been a passion of mine since I was 5, but back then it used to make no sense at all to me but now I understand, it took me a while to realize that passion drives you to what you want in life" I said.

Silence engulfed us once again. It wasn't awkward and yet it wasn't comfortable. There was so many unsaid things between the two of us that now in each other's company it feels as if we haven't said enough tonight.

"I really should get going, I have classes in the morning" Zefan said getting up all of a sudden. I sat up straight as I watched him crawl his way over to the tree. When he climbed down my house and stood on a branch he looked at me.

"I enjoyed tonight" he said. "Me too" I replied. Then he just stood there, we looked at each other,the moon highlighting his facial features making him even more attractive.

And just like that he was gone. The moments we shared were gone but the warmth that filled me when he was here and even after he left was there and it would forever be there, I wouldn't forget the safety I felt with that boy.

With a small smile playing on my lips I climbed through my window and back into my bedroom making sure to shut the window behind me.

I took out an oversized t-shirt and underwear. Getting myself ready to take a shower. I walked into my bathroom and turned on the shower and waited for the hot water to become hot.

When it was hot I got under the shower head and let the warm water wash over me, cleansing me and my soul. The feeling of hot water against one's skin is such an amazing feeling.

When I was done showering I washed my face and braided my hair. In no time I was in bed just lying there. Thinking about all the events of tonight.

Getting attached to someone would be bad for me. I wouldn't be able to handle it when I have to leave. Making choices isn't easy for me and I hate feeling pressured but having to make this decision was hard.

I needed to steer clear of Zefan West. It would be for his best interest and mine. He has a girlfriend and I need to keep that in mind, he loves her and we could never be more than friends. We couldn't also be just friends and deny what we, if he feels the same.

With one final thought on my mind I was lulled into sleep by the night owls howling outside my window.

Zefan and I couldn't be friends.

Okay so maybe I had to put a few plot twists, life ain't always full of rainbows 😴

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