10. Unfriendly and nice

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Moaning, Rango rubbed his neck and then his back. He had fallen asleep in the chair and his upper body had sunk onto the desk during the night, which was a very uncomfortable sleeping posture if you weren't used to it. Still very drowsy, he stood up and shook his limbs.
He looked at the balcony. The sun had risen and warmed the country with its first rays. Rango stepped out onto the balcony and breathed in the fresh air. That was much better. When he saw this morning, the events of yesterday seemed like a bad dream. After stretching again extensively, he went back inside.
Jake was still in the position how Rango had seen him the last time and his face was still hidden from his body.
Rango didn't want to wake him up and crept quietly to the door. But no sooner he had opened it a crack, Jake made a slight movement.
Slowly he rolled up his body, his head still on the floor, and slowly opened his eyes. Apparently, he recognized the mayor's room because he wasn't looking around very well. Then his eyes fell on Rango. The lizard smiled slyly and raised his hand.
"Good morning, Jake."
Jake growled softly and lowered his face so that the hat covered his eyes again. He was obviously ashamed of his behavior last night. Of course, that was embarrassing for a killer who behaved like a scared child.
Rango thought it would be the best to leave Jake alone and left the room, although he was curious about what Jake had to say.

As soon as Rango was standing on the street, he saw in the distance, Spoons and Elgin walking down the street. They looked tired. Both turned into the saloon. Rango hesitated for a moment, then he jerked himself and followed them into the saloon, where it was pretty quiet. Doc, of course, was snoring at the counter again, the empty bottle next to him.
An embarrassing behavior of a doctor, Rango thought.
Spoons and Elgin had taken a few chairs next to Doc and were having a few drinks from Buford.
Rango approached the two. "And friends? How was it?"
"No one to see," was Elgin's only answer, and emptied his glass.
"Really?" Rango asked in surprise. "You didn't see anyone near the city?"
The other two were silent. They were too tired and annoyed to answer Rango's questions.
"That's an odd thing," murmured Rango. "I could have sworn that these guys would search the whole area for him at least."
"Someone who tortures a killer is not a criminal," murmured Elgin dully.
"I don't want to heard that," said Rango in a high voice. "You don't believe what I had to go through last night."
"Your action was unnecessary," Spoons said defiantly.
Rango snorted softly. He didn't need cold indifference this morning. He left the saloon angrily.
"Nice friends," he muttered irritably. "Instead of being happy to be able to help someone, they pretend I had committed a crime."
Angrily, he kicked a stone down the street. He noticed how two eyes were watching him from the side. Rango swallowed down his anger quickly.
"Oh, hello little sister. So early already up and about? "
"How's Jake?" Priscilla asked.
Rango looked at her in surprise. He was surprised that she inquired about Jake's well-being. Apparently, children were nicer than adults.
"Well, I can't say that exactly. Not good last night, actually. He's always startled."
"Will he get well again?"
Rango's eyes widened. Was Priscilla kidding or was she really serious about the question?
He knelt down to her. "I guess so. He is someone who you can't keep down."
"But he won't threaten us, will he?"
Rango sighed. "I don't know what will come in the future yet, but I will make sure that none of the same will happen."
"Do you promise?" Priscilla asked.
"I promise. Take my word for it."
Rango's eyes went to Furgus' shop.
The chameleon scratched his head thoughtfully.
"Do you know what rattlesnakes eat if the meals aren't citizens?"
After a while Rango was back on the street. In his hands he held a piece of meat wrapped in paper. When he wanted to go up the town hall steps again, he turned to Priscilla.
"Listen, it's probably the best that you don't come in yet."
Priscilla sighed in disappointment. "That figures."
"Hey, come on," Rango said forgivingly. "I am also responsible for the security of you. Don't be angry with me. Maybe afterwards, if I can be sure that there is no danger."
"Do you promise?"
Rango sighed. "Yes, I promise."
He was about to turn around when she said something else.
"Rango? I think it's crazy that you brought him here ..."
Rango was about to start with the fact that it was not him, but Jake who came into town.
"... but it was very noble of you."
Rango closed his mouth again and looked at her with wide eyes. Then Priscilla turned around and went down the street.
Rango watched her irritated. She was nice. At least one person in the city.

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