26. Mortal fear

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It was almost 3 o'clock in the morning. The moon shone brightly over the roofs and gave the city a peaceful evening atmosphere. All townspeople were asleep. So tight that no one noticed the faint patter of roadrunners who stopped a few miles outside of town and whose riders quietly dismounted.
There were nine people.
The riders remained in place for a while. When they were sure that no one had noticed them, they marched quietly towards the city, always careful to avoid any suspicious noise. They crept along the street in the shadow of the houses. Then the first person stopped and pointed forward.
Directly at the town hall building.

The moonbeams penetrated the mayor's room brightly. But Jake was way too exhausted to let that bother him. After rejecting Rango so hard, he had pondered his thoughts for a while. But then he was overcome by tiredness and almost fell asleep. Dozing, he enjoyed the silence that surrounded him. He had always liked the silence in this city. Perhaps that was another reason why he considered this city his own. Here he was undisturbed by big cities and above all he could live out his gunslinger life as he wanted. If only it weren't for this sheriff...
Jake winced and opened his eyes. It was as if he had heard a noise. He looked around searching and listened intently. When nothing more happened after a while, he lay down again.
Suddenly he had the strange feeling that he was no longer alone. Someone was watching him. He raised his head again and looked with strained eyes at the balcony door, which he had left open for fresh air. He narrowed his eyes suspiciously. Was he hallucinating? It paused for almost a minute. Then he shook his head. Apparently, a side effect from the drug. Sighing, he laid his head on his body and closed his eyes again. He did not notice the shadows that appeared briefly on the balcony and then quickly disappeared again.
Suddenly, a creak on the wooden floor. Jake didn't have time to react.
Something flew through the air in his direction. A ball? No, it was way too quiet for that. Jake felt a stitch in his side. A stitch of a needle.

Rango opened his eyes. He quickly sat up and looked wildly around. He was in the sheriff's office bed. But why did he wake up? What had frightened him so? For some reason he was startled out of sleep. What was it? A scream? Rango listened. But everything stayed calm. Nor could he remember hearing a scream. And yet he felt as if something had called him. What did he dream? He couldn't remember it. Everything was kind of in the dark.
He lay down a little unsteadily. But a strange feeling spread in his belly. As if something heavy was in his stomach.
He rolled to the other side. But that didn't help either. He just couldn't get any sleep. He was restless somehow. Something was wrong. He closed his eyes and tried to go back to sleep.

Jake didn't know what was happening to him. No sooner had he felt the needle being fired at him, then it became so strange. His body gave way under him. He had no more strength to hold his head. Jake panicked. He wanted to jump to the door, but even trying was impossible. His body just didn't want to obey him anymore. His body pulled him down to the floor like wet clothes. After almost a minute he was completely immobile. All he could move easily was his head, but his tongue was kind of paralyzed. Damn it, what had he been given?
The needle, that hit him, must have been smeared with some kind of anesthetic. In vain Jake tried to sit up, but no matter how he wanted, he no longer had any power over his body. He could only lay helpless on the floor.
Jake heard footsteps. Suddenly shadows appeared on the wall of the room. Suddenly a figure jumped out and loomed in front of him.
"Don't worry. The anesthetic won't kill you, "Madog said with a malicious grin. "It just paralyzes the muscles, but it doesn't affect the breathing or the brain."
Jake growled angrily. He wanted to throw an insult at him, but his mouth was still completely numb. Same like the rest of his body. Jake was startled. Madog had pulled a knife from his coat.
"Screaming is useless," the mongoose said darkly and slowly ran his fingertip over the sharp blade. "The poison paralyzes the vocal cords. Nobody can hear you when I cut your throat."
With the knife in his hand, he walked towards Jake. Jake couldn't move. He had to watch helplessly how Madog put the knife on his neck. No matter how Jake wanted, he couldn't escape. For the first time in his life, he wanted to scream for help. But all he managed was an incomprehensible, pleading whine. He could feel the slight pressure of the blade on his throat.
"Any last words?" Madog asked in an arrogant tone.
His men giggled maliciously. So if Jake could say anything at all now.
Jake's heart was racing with panic. Was that his end? That was not how he had imagined it. He tried again to move. But the narcotics gave him no chance to escape.
"Don't worry," Madog said coldly. "It will be over very quickly."
He increased the pressure on Jake's neck with the knife. The rattlesnake's eyes widened. Now it's over!
At that moment his only thought was a cry for help to heaven.
Please save me!
"Leave him in peace!"

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