9. Dark plans and desperate screams

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Far outside the city, the strangers had gathered again and complained loudly to their leader about their defeat.
"These bastards had almost killed us!" cried the first one.
The leader cracked his fingers. "Whoever it was and whoever that guy was who found Jake will definitely count the cost dearly for it."
"So what do we do now?" asked another one.
"What do you think ?!" the leader snapped at him. "I don't understand why you're asking. We'll look for the snake and make short work of it."
"And how should we do that?" the next one asked. "He can be anywhere."
"Then look for him! He couldn't have come far."
"And if it did?" another one suggested.
The leader gritted his teeth. "A snake like he can't hide forever. So, swarm out!"
His people made grumbling noises.
"We are tired."
"I don't feel like it anymore."
"For heaven's sake!" the leader shouted, stamping his feet angrily. "Do what I say! And if we have to turn the whole desert upside down."
His people growled and started searching the area.
"And do your best," the leader shouted after them. "This turtle didn't pay us for nothing to kill Jake."

Rango opened his eyes with heavy eyelids. A slight groan had woken him.
It was still pitch-black outside. First Rango didn't know where he was. But when he felt the hard floor beneath him, his memories slowly came back.
The moan became louder.
Suddenly Rango was wide awake. He sat up, still a little drowsy.
Jake rolled restlessly on the floor as if he were having headaches.
Rango was about to run to the saloon to get Doc. But he should already be in the semi-coma in the alcohol frenzy.
Rango was startled when Jake let out a small cry.
Rango boldly jumped on Jake's head. But no sooner he was there, the snake pushed him violently away.
"Let me!" Jake shouted.
Rango was perplexed and didn't know what to do.
Now Jake was beating wildly.
If he continues like this, he will hurt himself, Rango thought desperately.
He took a deep breath. Then, as Jake paused for a moment, he jumped forward and clung to his neck, whereupon Jake reacted with violent movements immediately. In panic, he tried to shake Rango off. As violently as if Rango was going to strangle him.
Jake sat up to the ceiling. Rango slammed into it and saw only stars for a moment. Jake was back on the floor and writhing again.
"Jake, stop it! WAKE UP BROTHER!"
Suddenly Jake stopped. "Calm down!" Rango continued talking to him.
The rattlesnake trembled all over again, like he would have the chills.
"Brother, wake up, wake up."
Rango could hardly believe it, but Jake opened his eyes. They twitched nervously and looked around in panic.
"Jake, there's nothing here," Rango said.
He was startled. Was he wrong, or did he see tears on the snake's face in the dim moonlight?
When Jake noticed his scrutiny, he pulled his body forward and covered his face with it. Rango fell down and landed roughly on the floor.
"Jake? Are you okay?"
But Jake didn't answer.
A little disappointed, Rango turned and sat on the chair in front of the desk.
Rango was slowly recovering from the shock.
He looked at the snake thoughtfully. What had happened to him? What had they done to him?
With these thoughts, Rango dozed off.

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