Chapter 14

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Douxie's POV-
"Camelot's defenses are destroyed... her best knights injured or dead." Merlin says.
"And lady (Y/n) has been taken captive," Merlin adds.
I couldn't help but to only think of (Y/n). If Morgana lays a hand on her imma...
"Oh, my everything hurts!" Says my past self while in a barrel.
"We need allies in the war to come," Merlin says in a worried tone.
As the King looked at his kingdom and all his people hurt and scared,
"Our enemies are many, but how will we face them alone?" The king asked.
I looked around to see Claire with a map for the Amulet.
I went down to her level and looked, "Jim," Claire asked me.
"But how does (Y/n) fit into all of this? If Jim found out about her kidnap he would lose it," Claire says looking worried.
I thought about the Amulet and Jim, piercing everything together, "Then we go to the good Trolls." I said standing up facing Merlin and the King.
(Y/n) POV-
I was tied to a stone wall, I could hear Gum Gum trolls talking,
"What is this?"
That voice? He sounds like...
"Who destroyed Arthur's keep without my orders?"
No it can't be...
"Gunmar..." I whispered. I felt the rope tighten everytime I try to struggle. Morgana smirked at me and flew up.
"His successor."
Her magic Beamed out of her and into the air, causing a warm wind. I braced myself because of the twigs and dirt that got into my eyes.
"What is this?" Gumar asked as he took out his knife.
"A demonstration. Behold what my majicks have wrought upon our common enemy." Morgana says.
"Merlin's witch speaks truth. She broke my chains, freed me." Says Bular running toward Gumar.
I still sitting here looking pretty, "And I caught an Oracle. We could use her powers," Morgana adds as she points at me. They all turned and saw me. I did a little wave due to my position I was in.
"You betrayed your own kind? And kidnap an Oracle?" Gumar asked with no trust.
"You are my kind. Trust in me, and we will have victory in Eternal Night." Said Morgana.
"I kidnap an Oracle because, she is not even human. To make a simple point towards your mind. I am now apart of your kind! Not my silly brother's blood!" Morgana yelled.
"Will tear"
"Him down"
"Till the last"
"Blood he shall shead,"
"In my victory!"
"We shall be"
" victorious!"
Morgana yelled the last part and used her powers to shoot up beams of magic into the air that caused the dark clouds to swirl into a tornado like form.
Phase 2 of my plan is coming to a start...

"Ugh, I hope Douxie and Claire are safe..." I said to myself.
Douxie's POV-
"Hey that's my boyfriend you're operating on!" Yelled Claire as Jim was strapped down.
"Oh! Humans! Sound the alarm!"
"Hold! Please, Vendel of Deoza." Says the king as he came through the portal.
"I humble myself before you,"
The king kneeled down before Vendel.
I tried to look through the Trolls to see what they were talking about but they blocked my view.
"You really think they can work this out?" Jim asked. While I'm hoping not to ask about...
"They have to, or everyone in Camelot and Dowza are doomed." I said while I'm hoping Jim doesn't ask about..
"Hey, where (Y/n)?" Asked Jim. Claire frozen so did I.
"What?" Jim asked.
"Douxie we should just tell him..." Claire says. I sighed and nodded.
"(Y/n)... she's been kidnapped..." I said not looking into Jim's eyes.
I slightly looked up and saw his turn empty... like something went missing.
"Kidnapped? And you didn't do nothing!?" Jim growled at me.
"Jim! Calm down! It wasn't his fault! It was none of our faults. Well expect the part with the Lady," Claire says. I gave her a glare while Jim banged his head onto the rock.
"Douxie, if anything happened to my sister. Your will be accountable for her," Jim says. I nodded my head.

"Why does Morgana want her?" Asked Jim. I sat on a nearby rock and sighed, "I don't know. Everything points to the fact that she is an Oracle, which means that she can see the future but things can change in the future..." I said.
"So? She wants MY SISTER to tell her, her future?" Jim asked. I shook my head.
"No, it has to be something big. If she attacked Camelot and the king...." my eyes shot in realization,
"Morgana wants her for her energy!" I yelled.
"Her energy?" Claire asked.
"Yes! (Y/n) is the goddess between life and Death, that means she can take a life or give a life. Morgana might use her for taking lives!" I explained.
Their mouth gasped, "Agh! I knew it would be dangerous!" Jim grumbled.
"And it's all my fault," Jim says and banged his head again.
"No it's not, it's my fault. I was being greedy and didn't realized that the one person that I wanna spend the rest of my life with has been kidnapped and I didn't do anything about," I said. I also banged my head into the rock.
"Ow..." I said emotionless.
"Jim, Douxie. She will be ok. From what I seemed she knows magic and self defense she'll get through it." Claire said with hope.
"She forgot her wand back home," I said
Her smile faded, "Oh, well then she's doomed," Claire says while I gave her a glare.
"I assure you, all will be fine once ive completed my amulet," Merlin says.
"So, this is the once and future Trollhunter I've heard of." Merlins says as he eyed Jim.
"And lady (Y/n) twin, hmm?"
Jim nodded his head.
"May I have a word, alone?" Merlin asked.
"Um, sure. Be right back." Jim says and went with Merlin.

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