Chapter 17

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(Y/n) POV-
We all charged into battle!
Douxie was throwing spells while I sliced and diced Trolls. I did a back flip into the air and slashed its head. I remember couple of spells that I read in the Forbidden Library at Hogwarts and used them...
"Expecto!" I yelled and the trolls that surrounded me turned to stone.
"Jim!" I tried and saw Jim being backed into a cornier by those things... I jumped in front of him and used my sword to push him into a tree.
"Avada kadava!" I yelled as I pointed a stick that I found at him. It screamed in pain as it disintegrated (like daddy Voldy 😌)

Claire came and kicked the other troll when I was killing the other. "Just in the nick of time," Jim says while giving Claire goo goo eyes, "Wow, so your saying that I didn't risk my life for you? That's cold," I said as fling my sword at another behind them. They shook their heads and began to fight.
"We're getting through this together!" Claire says as she kissed Jim. I groaned, "Y'all we are in a middle of a fucken war. Get a bush on the other side. Would yah?" I asked with sass. Jim rolled his eyes so does Claire.
Douxie was doing his sexy spells.... "Arch!" Yelled Douxie as he levitated a couple of trolls with his magic circle,
Archie came in with a fire ball.

Douxie's POV-
"Ha, ha! Always hated those twits," I remarks at my victory.
"Sorry to burst your bubble, Doux. But your girlfriend is in trouble," I turned and saw (Y/n) being cornered by trolls. She tried fig ting them off but they grabbed her and threw her over head. "DOUXIE WATCH OUT!" She screamed (BuT mY hEaD wAs UnDeR wAtEr) I tried to catch her but her fingers grazed my own and landed onto of a troll.
"Ooh! That's gonna hurt in the morning..." says Archie while cringing.
"(Y/n)! You ok?" I asked with nervousness. "Okay? I'm better then okay!" She says as she got up. The troll was shaking trying to get her off.
"Stay still!" She grunted trying to hang on.
Once it took a break she used her arms to behead it.
It dropped and she landed. Her (H/l) was in her face, she looked beautiful in the moonlight.
"Douxie? Let's go," she simple says as she walked past me. "I'm running out of spells..." she says as she ran her hand through her hair.
"Damn only if I brought my... my WAND! That's it! My wand is made out of Troll hair and merlins bread hair! I could just grab a stick and tie them troll pubes and Crusty guys hair! That's my wand!" She exclaimed. She then ran off to a dead trolls body and grabbed their-uh... thingy?

(Y/n) POV-
"Merlin! I need some of your beard hair! I yelled as I dodged the other trolls attacks.
"W-what? No why that's absu-" I cut him off my grabbing a hand full of his beard and tying it around the stick with the troll pubes...
"There!" I yelled as I ran to a troll.
"Expecto Patronome!" I yelled as my (F/a) came out and then they disappeared...
"Haha! It's works!"
"Look about!" Yelled a knight. I looked up and saw a fire ringed portal in the sky, "What is this? Howls Moving Castle?" I asked getting annoyed.
Morgana came out, "Night has already fallen. Elemen-zath!" She yelled. Golden light came from her form, blinding men.
"Thanks to (Y/n), her power is now mine!" She says as she threw fire balls from her hands. Merlin looked a shock.
"Morgana's back! She's enemy number one!" Yelled Douxie. He looked at me with scared eyes.
"Go! Well hold the bridge! Take my sister with you!" Jim ordered as he looked at me.
"I love you, (N/n)," Jim says.
"Love you too, Jimbo," I said as we went our separate ways.
"Hisirdoux, lady (Y/n), with me!" Says Merlin. We both nodded and ran to Morgana.

We were now in some fallen ruines...
We were on high aleart! Merlin to my side, and Douxie, while Archie flew...
"I feel dark magic." Douxie whispers while he placed his hand on his magic thing.
"It means she's close..." merlins adds.
Archie gasped at the movement of a shadow.
Morgana chuckles, "an old man, foolish boy, and a worthless girl. Lost as always. Do you dare run... or face my vengeance?" She says as she appeared right before us. When I am scared I laugh, (It's true I laugh during weird timings, like at a funeral...) "Yeah, yeah, we all know that speech that every villain does. I heard a bunch of times. Saying that all you ever wanted was to be loved and cared for or to be let go and not be blames for something." I said with a hand on my hip.
"Hm? Such a brave little girl, aren't you? Knowing that you are useless," she says while her fingers brushed my face.
"Says you. You needed my powers, who's the one that's useless?" I said with sass while I spat on her face.
"(Y/n)? What do you think your doing," douxie asked. "Just follow my lead..." I responded.
And only growled, the roots began to take us down... we began to struggle to get free... I removed this vine stuff from Hogwarts! First year! "Lumos!" I yelled as my wand lit up a bright blue light. They shrieked and went away. But one of them went through Merlins chest. "Hisirdoux, (Y/n)! Run!" He groaned...
"Merlin!" Douxie says as he helped Merlin up. "You're injured, badly," I said as I went to Merlin... "Only if I payed attention in Herbology then I would know what to do," I said frustrated while pacing back and fourth.
"Hisirdoux, I should fall this day..."
"'Heart of Avalon'?"
"'Building a tomb'?"
"'Magic obsorbant'?"
We said while reading the paper.
"Why are you giving me this?" He asked.
"For seeing the future means preparing for the worst of it, including your wounded friend," Merlins says.
"Jim? What about him?" I asked. Scared while hoping nothing bad.
"The corruption in his heart has no cure. When he returns to the future, it will overtake him." Merlin explains. Tears were in my eyes.
"No! No! There must be another way!" I screamed trying not to break down.
"I made a promise to them, to (Y/n). To Claire, to get them home alive, all of them!" Douxie says as he folded the paper.
"Yet, to save time itself. You all must return home, even if it takes James Lake will be no more." Merlins stays in a stern voice.
"M-Merlin? What's with the 'Magic Obsorbtion'?" Asked while wiping the tears off my face.
"Yes, I did some research when you came back. I figured out a way for you to take back your magic. But you may die during the ritual..." I nodded and wanting to listen more.
"No! She will not do it! It's to risky. I-I don't want to lose you..." Douxie says while looking at me.
"I'm doing it! Even if it takes my life. What do I have to do?" I asked as I held Douxie's hand....

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