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  It seemed as soon as Cassius and I was back Uther was in front of me, an anger in his eyes I've never seen before. "Did he touch you?" He spits out causing me to take a step back.

  I look over at the prince with a startled look. "Prince Cassius was rather nice for a-"

"Not him. Chase Vincent," he interrupts not looking away from me. So this is about my birth father?

"I done most of the touching when I tried to attack him," I admit, which seemingly calms Uther down.

"You should've came back with Marco-"

"She was still feeding Uther. I wanted to make sure she had enough blood to heal," Cassius finally says while putting his hand on my shoulder. "I needed to make my own opinions about your daughter, ones without outside influence."

Uther narrows his eyes at the prince, he seemingly knows. "And?"

"Despite her lack of manners she's will make a fine Lady or even a fine Warrior if she keeps on her path," Cassius replies before turning me towards him. "Goodnight Lady Vanya," he adds walking off. We watch him walk back inside.

"You didn't sleep with him did you?"

"Of course not!" I hiss appalled by Uthers question.

"He normally isn't in that good of a mood unless he's slept with someone," he accusingly hints. I narrow my eyes at him while pushing past him. "Vanya, what did you guys do?"

"We fed together," I say lowly. Uther trips on one of the stairs but quickly recovers.

"He hardly ever feeds with others. Most Royals don't." I give him a look of confusion before he puts a hand on my shoulder. "Ask Maddy or one of your sisters. We have other matters to attend to."

He leads me inside and down a few flights of stairs. There are few torches set along the walls giving an eerie glow as we descend. Eventually we see the Emperor, the Empress, Gavril, Marco, and Cassius. "Cassius just informed us of your unfortunate events," Emperor Kronos says.

"I have a feeling you won't let me kill him will you?" I ask crossing my arms. Uther chuckles lowly while the Emperor nods his head.

"We have a few questions, the main being why he knows you're a vampire and of our existence. Humans are unaware of us, so we must check."

I look over towards the other wall noticing doors. "This is a prison?" I conclude. Uther reassuringly squeezes my arm. About that time a loud scream erupts from behind one of the doors and the scent of blood fills the air though it isn't normal blood. Vampire.

"Seems as if you are dropping us gifts more often than our friends. You must recognize his screams from when you ripped his finger from his body," The Empress says while smiling. She seems about as impressed as the guards about my way of attack.

   The screams are coming from the vampire with the man bun. I close my eyes, them probably thinking that I'm relishing in his screams but in reality I'm suppressing my hunger. His blood being out the animal in me. What's wrong with me?

"We have some questions for you first, Marco and my lovely Mara will be the ones asking while the rest of us prepare for the next part. No, you will not be held as prisoner. It's just so that we can get a sense of what we are walking into," Emperor Kronos says. I glance to Uther who gives me a nice smile.

"Will what we say stay between us?" I ask, I notice Cassius narrow his eyes at me.

"For the most part. I'll only tell anything that's important directly to my husband while Marco will keep his big mouth shut. Come," the Empress says while holding her hand out to me which I take.

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