Chapter 2

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Could this really be her? She had a dark blue dress on with mud all over it. It looked as if she walked here. I walked up to Enola and grabbed her hands with a big smile. My heart thumping with nervousness. She shook my hands back respectfully. 

"Hello, Enola." I said with an evident hint of doubt.

I do hope she remembers me...

Before I could say anything else, Mycroft interrupts the sweet moment. 

"My god...look at you. You're a mess." He looked at her, confused on why she has dirt everywhere on her dress. 

I let go of her hands and began to stand back, right in the middle of my brothers. Enola looked down at her dress and then back at us. "Where is your hat and gloves?" He said again, but this time, he pointed with his cane. 

Enola looked at him again and said, "Well, I have a hat. Just makes my head itch. And I have no gloves." She shrugged. 

"She has no gloves?" Mycroft looks at y/n and Sherlock, with shock. It looked like he could faint. "Perhaps we can buy her some?" I suggested aloud, hoping to ease the awkwardness. 

Mycroft ignores me and continued to talk to Enola. "We didn't send for you, silly girl. We sent for the carriage. Did you at least bring it?" He asked her.

Enola looks at him with confusion written all over her face. "A carriage?" She asked him, not quite understanding. "Oh dear..." I silently told myself. Things were about to get a whole lot worse. Mycroft is a very... impatient man.

 "Yes." Mycroft says in an obvious tone. 

Enola puts her hands together and says, "What cartridge would you be wanting? Because I have a few in mind." Mycroft looks at her in anger and raises his voice.

"The carriage I paid for!" He raised his voice at her with anger. "Right. I think you may have us confused with another house." She said with the same obvious tone he had used earlier.

Me and Sherlock looked at each other like we were about to explode with laughter, by how riled up Enola had managed to make him in such a short amount of time. Sherlock decided to take matters into his own hands and call for a carriage. 

As we got onto the cartridge, I wanted to sit next to Enola. But I didn't want to make her uncomfortable by not asking her first. "May I sit next to you, Enola?" I had asked her with a smile on my face.

"Of course." Enola responded, matching the same level of kindness and respect as me.

The whole carriage ride was very silent. Tense. Nobody talked until Enola's house appeared. "Oh dear god, look at the house." Mycroft said in shock. I'd like to call this day very eventful. Imagine the adventures possible.

I quickly turned around at the same time as Enola and we both gasp. Not for the same reason though.

I gasped because I haven't seen this home in ages.

Enola gasped because she thought the house looked wonderful and was happy to finally have her siblings home.

"Isn't wonderful?" Enola told her siblings, in amazement. I smiled at her in agreement. The house looked beautiful.

"What the hell has she been playing at?" Mycroft said in disgust, making Sherlock and me glance at each other while Enola still looked at the house like she hasn't seen it in years.

As we got off the carriage, one of the well known maids came out to greet us older siblings. "Welcome home. It's been some time." Mrs.lane came out with a bright smile. Enola walked next to her , leaving me in the middle of my older brothers again.

"Mrs.Lane, how are you?" I asked her with a big smile. My brothers looked at each other and just rudely walked into the house with Enola without greeting anyone, while I followed behind them shortly.

I caught them walking into our Mother's study room which was a total mess. Mrs. Lane was the last one to enter, as she quietly shut the door.

All three of us looked around the room, as Mycroft picked up a tennis racket. "What is this?" He turned around to face Enola. 

"Tennis?" She simply replied to him. All of us froze in their places after hearing that. Enola looks at me and said, "Mother says I'm getting quite proficient." 

I looked at my brothers in silence. Mycroft kind of scoffed in a way, while he looked at the scoreboard on the wall that read, 'Enola and Mother' with 'Mother' having the most points.

Mycroft harshly placed down the tennis racket where he found it and took a deep breath. "Where the hell is she?" He told Sherlock and me as he walked away. Sherlock and me quickly follow, leaving Enola and Mrs.Lane behind. 

We had made our way into Mother's room and started to look around. "Her bed hasn't been made." Mycroft says in disappointment. 

Sherlock and I ignored him and started to look at the flowers that were placed on the little table in the center of the room. "Ah Chry-" Sherlock was trying to say the name of the flowers but I  interrupted him by saying, "Chrysanthemums." I finished his sentence. I was deeply in love with flowers. I liked to study them during my free time. "Correct." Sherlock says, slightly smiling at me with pride.

"Clothes haven't been put away either." Mycroft continues to focus on how dirty the room is.

"And laurustinus, and Queen Anne's face." Sherlock started naming the other flowers in the bunch, promptly choosing to ignore Mycroft.

"Enough with the bally flowers, you two." Mycroft told us with annoyance.  I walked towards Mycroft to see what he was doing. I just sighed not saying anything, while Sherlock looked at the paintings. "Huh. But it wasn't foul play." Sherlock said aloud.

"How?" I asked him. "Are you certain?"  Mycroft finishes what I was about to say. "Her regular supply of drawing pencils has dwindled to nothing." Sherlock explained his theory. "She clearly had decided not to replace them, and you rarely find that kidnap victims have planned for their own disappearance." Sherlock continued.

I looked at him in confusion, not. understanding why he said that. "She wasn't returning, and yet she disguised her intentions perfectly." Sherlock said while picking up something from the floor. "That is good news, right?" I said, doubting own statement.

"Depends if you're relying on her coming back." Sherlock answered me. "Well of course I want her to come back. Don't you?" I asked my brothers.

"Hmm." Mycroft hummed, and Sherlock just silently nodded. "Oh, good God.. feminism." Mycroft said in this weird tone. "Perhaps she was mad, or senile. Though madness, in our family? I would doubt it." he said before attempting to sit on the bed, but quickly got up when it makes a sound. 

"Oh lord." I said quietly facepalming. 

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