Chapter 9

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The next morning, Enola and I made a plan. The plan was that Enola was going to dress as a widow and I was just going like myself. I will say that I am a private detective working for my brother, Sherlock and Enola is my assistant. Enola's undercover name was May Beatrice Posy.

As we enter, we were brought into a big room with Tewksbury's mother, uncle, grandmother, and a few guards. "What is your business here?" Sir Whimbrel, his uncle, asked us two girls.

"I'm a private detective and this is my assistant. I've come to offer my services." I kindly answered in a nicer tone than what he had just used.

"My sister-in-law has all the help she needs. Show them out." He said, not giving us a chance to explain ourselves.

"We believe that we can help you," Enola told them.

"You are a reporter for one of those dirty newspapers." His mother said harshly.

Woah Woah Woah.

"I am a lady detective," I said back.

"Please leave, before we make you leave." She told us in an even harsher tone than before.

One of the guards walked towards us and grabbed us by the shoulders, dragging us towards the exit. Just before we were pushed outside I think of something to keep us inside longer. "Y/N Holmes," I said loudly for them to hear. Everyone stopped moving.

"My name is Y/N Holmes," I repeated. Enola and I turned back around to face them again as the guard slowly let us go. "My brother Sherlock thought I needed something to help my skills improve. So he sent me here." I think of a lie to tell.

"Sherlock Holmes, you say?" Tewksbury's mother walked up to Enola and me.

"Why yes. He trusts me on this--" I tried to say before being interrupted. "Poppycock! I'm sorry but I've heard enough. Sherlock doesn't have a sister." A man came out of nowhere.

Now you look like an idiot. He has two.

"Oh, Lestrade. So pleased you could make these young ladies acquaintance." Sir Whimbrel said. "I am Lestrade of Scotland Yard, and I'm a close personal friend of Sherlock Holmes." He said, making everyone turn their eyes towards me again.


"So you claim. My brother Sherlock doesn't like to mention me at work. Only his best closest friends have. Besides, he's never mentioned you." I looked at Lestrade with disgust.

"And you are not his sister."

"How foolish."

"He doesn't have an assistant. He's only ever mentioned--"

"Mycroft, yes. My other older brother. We both know he doesn't speak of him either."


We both start bickering, leaving everyone else just watching this play out.

"Ask me three questions about him. and I'll ask you three, and we'll discover who knows him best. Shall we?" I walked towards Lestrade, stopping just a few feet away.

"Enough! This circus is not appropriate for Basilwether." The Lady of Basilwether puts an end to the argument. "She's right. Leave, all three of you." Sir Whimbrel replied.

All three of us walk out. As we wait for the carriage, Lestrade and I continue the argument outside. "His favorite tobacco?" Lestrade asked, not even looking my way. 

"Black Shag. Favorite dessert?" I replied, also looking straightforward.

"Plum Pie. His favorite composer?"

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