Chapter 8

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After Enola explained, we arrived at 'Limehouse Lane'.' It was quite shady and very dark. I didn't have a good feeling about this. As we walked down the alley with the name 'Limehouse Lane' we saw a mother and her child walking the opposite direction. 

I just happened to overhear the conversation they were having. "Are we going home now?" The little girl asked her mother. "Yes." The mother responded. 

"I'm hungry mother." 

"I know dear."

Enola and I looked at each other, before finding something weird. It was a lock on a door with a purple ribbon attached to it. We walked up to it, to further investigate. 

I decided to look around for another entrance and saw a window we could climb in through.

Enola went first, then it was me. It was very hard. When I finished climbing in, I saw Enola pick up a bottle and spill a drop of it on a tray in front of her.

That caused a chemical reaction, making the whole tray light up. "How brilliant." I said in amazement. Enola slightly chuckled. 

I was looking around the desk when I found a stack of papers reading, "VOTES FOR WOMEN" in big letters, tied up with the same purple ribbon from outside. Enola looked at me, knowing what our Mother is planning.

Enola looked around some more to find some gunpowder. That was until I looked up and saw barrels, full of it. I walked over to them to get a better look.

"What the--" I tried to say before quietly being interrupted by my sister. "Mycroft was right. She is dangerous." Enola said looking at me in fear. I have never seen that on Enola's face. She must be serious.

Quickly, I walked over  to a box and uncovered it revealing countless explosives. "Sherlock was right as well. She does have a plan." I said in shock. "What are you planning, Mother? Do we want to find you?" Enola questioned herself.

I looked back at Enola and told her, "Perhaps, we should leave this place." We quickly exit through the same window we came in. We slightly walked faster so we can get as far away as we could. 

As we were walking, the same man from the train grabbed me and Enola by the hair and began to drown them in the big bucket next to us. 

Holy crap.

We attempted to hit the man off of us but were unsuccessful because he was too powerful for us. My hands slipped from the sides of the big bucket and fell into the water, getting both of my arms entirely wet.

The man brought both of us up and got really close to us before asking, "I will ask you both only once. Where is the marquess?" He grabbed us by the neck. I really did try to fight him off but he put my head back into the water, leaving Enola to talk to him alone. I let out a muffled scream.

The man put Enola in the water and brought me out again. "We went our separate ways." I said before being put in the water again. The man switched between the us two girls, having one of us outside of the water and the other one in it.

He left Enola in the water a lot longer than all the other times, as she slowly stopped moving. I let out a horrified scream. "Please let us be." I said on the brink of tears, thinking Enola had just drowned. 

I can't do anything. I am powerless.

The man was going to completely drown me too, until Enola brought up her head and hit the man in the nose. 

Enola grabbed my hand and we both make a run for it. "That was bloody brilliant." I praised my smart thinking sister. "Lets hide right here." Enola said before we sat down behind large boxes and a few other things. We heavily breathed as we are out of energy from basically drowning. 

The man came out of nowhere and grabbed us both. He began to attack but before he could to anything, Enola pinned him to the ground.

We both started running away as fast as we could. The man caught up to me and grabbed me, making me fall.

I have to keep moving.

He started swinging and all I could do was dodge him. I tripped on me dress, leaving me helpless. Enola came running towards the man but he quickly sent her flying towards a wall. Now the both of us were laying on the floor, trying to get up. 

I need to do something.

I sent Enola a quick look before the both of us go running at him. we both take turns trying to blow hits a hit but he manages to keep up with we. Bloody hell. I kicked him in the nose, making him more angry. He attacked me making me fall on the ground again as Enola attempted to try the corkscrew once more.

But she failed. Again.

The man threw both of us into the same room Enola and I never wanted to see again. He slowly shut the door before taking out a knife. We both quickly got on our feet ready to fight again.

He started swinging the knife at us, making us back up as he is coming forward. The man managed to cut my cheek, making me bleed. 

Ouch. Come on man. My cheek was my best feature.

He swung again but this time, he stabbed Enola in the stomach. 

I gasped loudly at the sight of seeing my sister being stabbed. Enola looked down at the knife and pulled it out. She opened up her dress a bit to see that the corset she was wearing saved her. "I knew this would have a truer use." She chuckled. I laughed at Enola's reaction. Glad that my sister wasn't hurt.

"No more surprises you two." The man said.

"No." I said slowly shaking my head.

"No."  Enola copied what I was doing.

We looked at each other before Enola grabbed the same liquid she used earlier to make the gunpowder explode and threw it at the barrels of gunpowder causing a huge explosion.

Enola and I make a run for it leaving the man in the explosion. We ran out of Limehouse Lane and ran towards our lodging.

When we got to the lodging, we dried off our clothes and money. I cleaned up the blood I had on her cheek from the man hurting me. He also left a couple of bruises on both Enola and I. But mines were more visible. "Good night, Enola." I told Enola.

"Tomorrow, we will be saving Viscount Tewksbury, Marquess of Basilwether." Enola told me.

"What about mother?"

"Mother will wait. He doesn't have the strength to protect himself. We do."

"That is totally fine with me." I replied, not even questioning it.

"Good night." Enola said back.

I walked into my room and looked at myself in the mirror. All of a sudden, I got butterflies in my stomach just thinking about Tewksbury. I tried to go to bed, but the thought of him kept invading my attempts to sleep.

"What is this boy doing to me?" I asked myself before finally going to bed.

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