Chapter 10

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TW: Talking about needing to lose weight.

I looked at Enola, still struggling to keep the door shut. All of a sudden the door became impossible to hold back and the door is pushed open enough for Lestrade and the woman from the dress shop to enter.

Enola and I stepped away from the door as we tried to catch our breath. "He's worth more, but you two give me greater pleasure." Lestrade said in between breaths. 


The woman chuckled, making me look at her in disgust. Enola grabbed my hand in fear of what comes next.

we were put into a carriage with Mycroft already waiting for them. the day goes by slower as the sky becomes gloomy. not long after the carriage took off, it began to rain. Enola sat next to Mycroft while y/n sat across from her. 

"You may not like me. You may not think what I'm doing is right. But even your blessed mother made a match. Even your blessed mother was a bride." Mycroft told Enola since he already knew that I already have this information. "I want you both to be happy." He told them both with the most heartless tone ever.

Yeah right. I can't believe my brother right now. He makes me disgusted. Men are so gross.

Enola began to sob. "No. You want you to be happy. You want us controlled. Because otherwise, you think we will affect your standing." Enola told him, with an angry but sad tone. "You both already have done immense damage. As has that errant brother of ours." Mycroft told us emotionless. 

And that's when I began to silently cry too. I didn't make noise nor a sad face. I looked straight out the window with no emotion, just tears rolling down my face. "Let us out of this carriage. We will deny that we are your sisters to whoever asks, and we will do it with pleasure." Enola spat out at him.

"You both will do as you are told!" Mycroft burst out yelling, making Enola and I shake with fear. I have never seen him like this. "Now hand it over. The both of you. It is my money after all." He said in a normal tone, putting his hand out in front of Enola and me.

Enola and I slowly take out all the money we had and gave it to Mycroft. "Good girls." He said. Now both of us were crying until there weren't any more tears left.

After crying, we arrived at the boarding school. Miss Harrison was waiting for us in her office. I wiped all the tears on my face and acted as if nothing happened. "You both have just missed supper, but no matter. You both could lose a pound or two." Miss Harrison said looking at her watch.

A maid walked up to the both of us, giving us all we need. "The name Holmes is coming to mean something in this country. At this school, you both will be given a chance to live up to it."

"But I--" Enola tried to speak.

"And you can begin by closing your mouth. The next time you meet your brothers, they will have a reason to be proud of you. Welcome." Miss Harrison finished. Enola and I were sent to our own rooms as we got ready for the night. Both Enola and I cried ourselves to sleep that night. 

The next morning it was time for our first class of the day. Miss Harrison taught us how to laugh, talk, walk, think, crochet, eat, and many more things.

During supper, Enola was eating 'incorrectly' and some of the girls were laughing at her. So, she threw her food at them for laughing and got in trouble. 

After supper, Enola and I had a visitor apparently. We both thought it was Mycroft but when we entered the office, we saw Sherlock instead. He was looking through the books that were there. After Miss Harrison left the room, Enola and I walked over to Sherlock. 

"I have never seen such a range of romances in my life. It's enough to turn you to newspapers." Sherlock said before closing the book and putting it back. Enola snatched the newspaper he had and looked through it while I hugged my favorite brother.

"What in heaven are you looking for? Why might you be interested in the personals? You've gone quite mad." Sherlock walked towards Enola.

"We have a right to be mad in a place like this." I answered for her. We were upset and very angry. Sherlock sits down on the headmistress' chair. "I was forced into calligraphy as a child. hated it, but there's rarely a case when someone's handwriting doesn't tell me something I need to know," He told us as he picked up a paper from the desk.

Enola looked up from the newspaper. "And what might we learn from deportment?" She asked him. He put the paper down and grabbed a magnifying glass.

"The way a person stands may disguise who they are. Nothing's wasted."

"Have you found her?" Enola closed up the newspaper. Sherlock put the magnifying glass down. "No, not yet. I went to the tearooms," He answers looking at me. 

Whoops. I guess he did see me.

I quickly turned away, avoiding his eye contact. "Which by the way, I could've sworn I saw Y/N. Edith threatened me with a teapot," He said as Enola laughed.

Sherlock looked at the two seriously. "And the Limehouse." He said slowly. Enola and I looked away. Again. "I believe you both went there too. You two have become quite the detectives." He chuckled.

I quickly looked back at him. "Did you find the gunpowder? And the bombs?" I asked him, wanting to know if he saw what our Mother was planning. "I did." He quickly answered.

"Why would she--" Enola tried to ask him, thinking maybe he knew.

"I shudder to think. Perhaps she wanted to change the world." He shook his head slowly.

"Perhaps it's a world that needs changing." Enola told him. There was a moment of silence. Where all you could hear was the clock ticking. "Will you stop her?" She asked him again. Sherlock got up from the chair. "I don't get involved in politics," He said.

At this point, I just watched Enola flood Sherlock with a bunch of questions. "Or people, either, unless they're clues. Did you help Mycroft catch us?" Enola talked back to him as he walked around the room.

"No--" He tried to explain. 

"But you found out about the money."

"You told him?" I questioned Sherlock.

"You both disappeared. We had to know how far you two would run." Sherlock tried to prove that he isn't against us.

"We are just a case to you, aren't we? A curiosity. Is that why you're here, to pick our brains? Or possibly you're feeling guilty." She harshly told him.

"I'm here because I care for you both," he speaks loudly.

"You're being emotional. It's understandable but unnecessary." I said knowingly. Enola and I walked over to two chairs and we sat down in sync. "It's an intige, isn't it?" Sherlock slowly paced back and forward. "Emotion?" Enola asked.

"The Tewksbury case." He looked out the window. "A bit more complicated than a single disappearance. He jumped from the train. With two other boys. Were they being chased, do you think?" He turned around to face the two.

"How did you know that?" Enola slowly asked him. "I traced your departure to the same station that he left from. Edith mentioned a 'useless boy.' and I was telegrammed about my sister and her assistant who visited the Tewksbury residence. Have you solved it?" He put the dots together.

"Not yet."

"The only advice I can give to you, two detectives to another,  sometimes you must tangle your feet in the water in order to attract the sharks." Sherlock gave us advice.

"So that's why you're here. Shark lessons." I chuckled a little bit. "No, no. I came here to give Enola this." He grabbed something and handed it to Enola before sighing.

When she unwrapped it, she saw 'Dash' in it. I gasped in surprise to see it again from all these years. "I found it under her pillow. She kept it you see. sentimental really but she always did... she always found you quite extraordinary." Sherlock explained where he found it as Enola looked up at him, crying.

Sherlock walked out of the room without a word. Leaving Enola crying, and me happy that things are finally going well, as far as family goes at least.

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