Chapter 3

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Sherlock walked over to the fireplace and started to look around for anymore clues. I followed him around with Mycroft behind us. "I think I can surmise by the way that she left, leaving no clear leads, she still had her wits about her." He said while sniffing out one of the perfumes left on the fireplace.

Mycroft walked towards Sherlock and me and said, "No madwoman could compile the accounts she sent me over the last ten years. Perfectly clear and orderly, detailing a bathroom, and a water closet. And the constantly rising salaries of the footmen, the housemaids, the kitchen maids," Mycroft rambled as Sherlock kneeled down to check the lower half of the fireplace.

I just watched my two brothers checking the room. 

"...and for Enola, a music teacher, a dance instructor, a governess." Mycroft ended his rambling.

"Enola, you at least had a governess?" Sherlock asked Enola, who was standing by the doorway. I hadn't noticed her, making my eyes widen as I turn to the doorway to find her leaning on against it.

Enola ignored the question and said, "She wouldn't like you in here. This is her private space."

Looking at my brothers for a second then averting my eyes back at Enola. "Enola, tell me, Mother at least saw that you had an education?" I had slowly asked Enola.

Enola began to tense up a little bit. "She valued education." Sherlock told her, surprised.

Mycroft scoffs.

"She taught me herself. She made be read every book in Ferndell Hall's library." Enola answered.

"Shakespeare, Locke, and the encyclopedia, and Thackeray, and the essays of Mary Wollstonecraft. And I did it on my own account. For my own learning. Which, Mother said, was the best way to become a young..." Enola paused for a moment. "woman."

I looked at Enola and smiled. "That's brilliant." I told her, trying to comfort her with the slightest of words.

"Well, this is what she wanted you to become?" Mycroft scoffed. I quickly turned my head to discreetly  glare at my awful older brother and was going to call out his name until Sherlock beat me to it.

"Mycroft." Sherlock called his name out.

"I don't know what she wanted me to be. She's left me too." Enola talked back to Mycroft but all he did was scoff. "She will return, won't she?" Enola asked slightly worried.

I tried to give her the best smile I could.

Sherlock just inhaled deeply. 

"Won't she?"

And that was the end of it. Us three older siblings just walked out of our Mother's room, without a word.

A few minutes later, we found ourselves playing 8 Ball. Well, maybe not me, I was just watching.

"What is she up to?" Mycroft asked Sherlock, while it was his turn. "She was too old to remarry, she had no passions or ambitions I was aware of. She simply had to ensure Enola a decent life and to liver her remaining years with dignity." He started rambling again.

As Mycroft was rambling, I was looking at the books that were on the shelves around the table. I hardly paid attention to my brother's constant rambling. 

"I am not the villain here." Mycroft said.

"Perhaps, she needed the money." I gave out a probability. 

"You clearly don't, or has the government cut out your salary?" Sherlock backed me up. Mycroft sighed in response. "It's always been the same, isn't it? Always the same." He repeated.

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