{Chapter 1•The Past}

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{Y/n's Pov}

"Honey? Wake up. Its time for school." My mom said while shaking me lightly. "Hmmm..." I whine, not wanting to get up for school. "Honey, your going to be late for school." My mom said. "Okay..." I reluctantly said and sit up. "Come on, sweetie." My mom smiled when she saw me get up.

She then stood up and leaves. I yawn and grab a towel. I walked downstairs to see my mom making breakfast and my dad watching tv while drinking coffee. "Good morning dad. Good morning mom" I said. " Morning honey/sweetie" They said as I walked to the bathroom.

Once I was done showering, I went to the drawer and pick out a {F/c} dress with rose patterns on it. I got out of the bathroom to see my mom placing food on the plates. I grin when I saw that most of the food was my favourite. I sat down and start to eat.

"Slow down, you might choke" my dad said but I ignored him. A few seconds later, I choked. I guess I shoud've listened."Ugk!" I cough and quickly drank some water. "See what did I tell you." My dad says as my mom giggles at the scene.

Once I was done eating, I got up and grab my bag. "Did you grab your bag sweetie?" My mom suddenly asked. "Yup!" I showed her the bag for confirmation and walked out to the door. My dad was already outside waiting for me. "Hop on honey, quick. Wouldn't want to be late now"

A few minutes pass and I was dropped off at school. "Bye Dad! Don't forget to buy me donuts when you pick me up later!" I waved at him and walk into school. I got into class and sat down. Soon after, the professor came in.

Few hours has passed and school is finally over. I walked out of class and suddenly got pushed around by impatient students who can't wait to go home. "Brats" I frowned and mumbled under my breath.

I look around for my dad, once I spotted them, I hurriedly ran and hugged them. "Hi dad! Mom, you're here too!" I smiled broadly.

"Hello sweetie." My mom also smiled. She ruffled my hair and gently pushed me into the car. I looked around in boredom as the car move. "Wanna go to a park?" My dad asked since he saw me bored. "Park? Yes! I want to go!" Of course I agreed and so did my mom.

Minutes passed and we arrived at our destination. I jump around excitedly and drag my parents everywhere I could. I got scolded a few times for running away in excitement. They had to hold my hand to make sure I wouldn't get lost.

Then, I heard the sound of an ice cream truck.

"Mom! Dad! There's an ice cream truck over there!" I said, almost yelling in enthusiasm. I asked for permission if I can get an ice cream. They happily agree to let me buy ice cream. I got {F/I/F} {Favorite Ice Cream Flavor} and my parents got chocolate and mint chocolate.

I eat mine happily while also getting brain freeze every now and then. I sighed in disappointment when I ate all my ice cream. I really wanted more.

A few minutes have pass we're walking back to our car. Abruptly, they warm hands of my parent left me. "Mom? Dad?" I turned to look at them in confusion. "Yes, sweetie." My mom still had that warm smile.

"We love you" They said all of a sudden. Just as a big smile was about to form on my face, gunshot was heard near me.

The extremely loud burst of sound brought high damage to my ear. I covered my ear in pain. A shrill scream came out from me "Mom! Dad!" I yelled for them in help. I wanted to look up but the sound of the gunshot had ruptured my eardrums, bringing me extreme pain that bought me to my knees. What was happening?

However, no one responded to my calls. "Mommy?! Daddy?!"

Very quickly, I felt the warm hands of my mom picking me up. "Mom...?" I knew it was mom from that familiar embrace. Without a word, she started running.

"Ah!" I yelled in shock. "Mom?!" I asked but she ignored me. She took us to a corner only to see a dead end.

"Sweetie....please..do as I say. Hide. No matter what, don't come out! Okay? I love you so much" Tears started falling down her face.

"Mom...what happening? Where's dad?.." Seeing my loved one cried make my chest feels tight. I couldn't help but cry too. She shook her head as if she doesn't want me to know.

"I'm sorry..." She kiss my forehead and took of her jacket. I was small enough to almost be completely covered by the clothes. Seeing that, she wrapped me up tight and hurriedly place me in the most inconspicuous spot there is.

I sat there in confusion. I saw someone walked behind her and pulled out a knife. I froze. I tried to scream but my voice wouldn't come out. I wanted to drag her to somewhere else but my body couldn't move.

The person raised the knife up high and bring it down on her with force. Then, bloodcurdling scream was heard from my mother.

In that moment, my mind became blank. I couldn't see anything, nor could I hear anything.

Next thing I knew, all I saw was blood.

Civilians heard the scream and came to see what happened. They screamed in horror at the bloody sight and immediately call the ambulance. One of the civilians found me with difficulty because I was in the least visible spot, tightly wrapped in a jacket, almost as if someone was trying to hide me.

Soon, cops arrive. They interrogated me but because my state of mind wasn't right, they got nothing out of me. They said that they had found two corpses, a man and a woman.

Hearing that, I scream. I clutch at my hair in sorrow. My negative emotions were spiralling out of control. New fresh tears fell down. I had no choice but to face reality. My parents were dead. Both of them. I thought I could hold out if I have my dad, but he's gone too.

My heart feels as if it was missing.

They were shocked at my outburst. They tried to calm me down but nothing worked. In the end, they could only use sedative.

The cops send me to my last relative, my grandma. She heard what happened and took me in. She took pity on me because of what happened, I was only nine after all.

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