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Third Person's POV:

(14 weeks ago)

Sitting in the tub in the bathroom, her legs shaking due to the nerves flowing through her body. The anticipation eating her up as she sit patiently waiting for the results. Her body jolts up as she heard the timer on her phone go off.

Letting out a shaky breath, she slowly stood up and turn the alarm off. Looking up to meet her reflection staring back at her, Brynn took a deep breath and spoke to herself.

"It's okay, whatever the results says everything will be okay."

Finally after worrying for 2 minuets, she looked to her right at the cup placed all the way at the end of the countertop, with the test sitting inside. Slowly, she make small steps to the cup and picked the test up with her eyes closed.

"It's gonna be okay Brynn, just breathe and whatever the result is, You'll always have Carson and you can try again If It doesn't work out. Don't panic and just look at the test results."

Opening her eyes, she locked eyes with hers from the mirror and look down at the test at her hand. Seeing two red lines staring up on her, her hands begin to shake.

"I'm pregnant"

Whispering those two words as tears leaves her eyes.

Finally she said to herself, Carson will be so happy! After trying for months we're finally going to have a family. The tears doesn't stop rolling down her cheeks as she squealed in excitement.

(Time skip)

A few hours later and Carson entering the house after practice for the upcoming tour. Seeing her sat on the couch curled up in a ball with blankets wrapped around her, He smiled and walked over giver her pecks all over her face. Giggling, she pull on his sleeves and make him sat down next to her.

"I um, I have news to tell you..." She spoke nervously, avoiding eye contact.

"What's wrong baby? You are acting weird. Is everything okay?" Concern washes all over him as he thinks of the worst things she could say.

Is she going to break up with him? Is she dying? Noticing his eyes scanning all over you, seeing his nerves come up she instantly wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in the crook of his neck.

"Don't worry, It's good news Cars" She softly said as he enfolds her in his embraced, stroking her hair.

"What's the good news then love?" He eagerly asked, meeting her eyes ans she leaned up

"We're going to be parents" Hearing the words left her lips, he scanned her face looking to see if she we're pranking him.

"You're serious?" Nodding her head, his boxy smile plasters itself on his face and he pulls her into his embrace again, hugging her tightly in a bear hug.

"I can't wait to tell the fans and my friend and our parents!! This is so amazing baby! We're going to have a baby in 9 months! Should we go and tell the others? Unable to keep his excitement in, he speaks in a fast pace, wanting to let the whole word know about the news he just received.

Putting his hands in his pocket, he pulls his phone out and unlocks it already heading to his contacts. Before he can click on it, She snatched the phone out of his hands and switched it off. Looking into his confused eyes, she gave him a soft smile.

"We should wait 12 weeks before we tell anyone else, just in case something happens and we loose it." nodding his head, he hugs her closer and they both spend the night talking and cuddling.


Sitting in the dressing room with the staff as she watch the boys perform for the fans, she smiled and held her stomach. Even though nothing shows just yet and the baby is most likely the size of a peanut she can't help but want to protect it.

Watching the concert come to an end, she smiled and listen attentively as they all sort their speeches for the fans. Once Johnny speech is done, it then goes to Hayden and down to the line until they reached Carson standing at the end.

When his turn comes, She smiles even wider and watch as her lovely fiance starts to speak with his infamous smile.

"Guys!" He shouted, making the whole stadium erupt with cheers from the fans.

"So today I just want to thank you all for being with us through this journey. I hope you guys had fun watching us perform for you guys, I hope you guys were singing along and having an amazing time" Carson looked at all the posters and pictures of them.

"Move your posters I wanna see you all go so crazy!" Carson shouts through the microphone, waving his hand around and chuckling when he sees all the fans copying his moves.

Once they've quietened down, Carson smiles and starts speaking.

"I actually have good news for you guys. This is the first time I'm telling the fans and the gang , and you guys are the first to know! wow I feel so nervous and excited to tell you guys"

He says looking around the stadium with tears prickling at the corner of his eyes.

"I'm just going to come out and say it straight because I can't keep it any longer."

Taking a deep breath he smiles and looks up, staring directly into the camera

"I am going to be a father. Brynn and I are going to be parents!"

Once those words left his mouth, the whole stadium erupts into loud cheers. Everyone congratulating her fro her pregnancy.

Carson starts to cry with happiness, unable to keep the tears in. When everyone calmed down, he puts the mic back up to his mouth.

"We waited for 14 weeks to tell you guys because there could be problems happening during the period, but I'm glad I got to tell you guys today. I'm so thankful for being blessed with this opportunity to have a child with the woman I love and I just can't believe it. I hope you will all continue to support us and I will keep you guys updated all the time. I love you all and I hope you guys enjoyed the concert!"

After saying their final goodbye to the fans, they leave the stage with tears and make there way to the back stage to where Brynn and other staff were. Once they burst through the doors, they crashed onto the comfy chairs and the staff rush to their sides handing them water and fans, wiping their sweat off of their faces.

When Carson saw her, he instantly rushes to be in her side and pulls her into his embrace.

"I'm glad we could tell the fans, and I'm so thankful for you baby" he whispered softly in her ear before giving her a passionate kiss.

"I love you Cars" Y\She spoke smiling widely as she look up into his eyes.

"I love you too baby, and I love you pickle" He said rubbing her belly.

"Pickle?" She asked giggling, confused as to where that nickname came from.

"I don't know, I'm hungry for some pickles, It was the first thing that came to my mind" He honestly replied earning a laugh from Brynn.

"Let's go get you some pickles"


hey guys! I need to rant hehe, I just wrote a story for this with 2000 and more words and I was about to type the last sentence when my laptop decided to go crazy then the story disappeared and I didn't have another copy. I was so mad! I've been doing that for a week and I put that first before my school works because it's been awhile since I posted. UGH i hate this! That's all thank youu!

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