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Entering the canteen, Carson spots his group of friends sitting down at one of the further tables from the door and make his way over to them. Sitting down, he greets his friends and takes out his lunch he bought.

Unwrapping his lunch, Carson starts to eat his food and listen to his friends. Making some comments here and there about different topics they're talking about.

Johnny sat down on the empty seat in front of Carson and take his lunch out. The others complain about him being late while Carson looks around the canteen.

His eyes landing on one person in particular. Brynn. The person who's he had a crush on for as long as he laid his eyes on her. Almost 5 years ago.

He would keep it a secret and hide his feelings towards her whenever they would talk, which was occasional, very rarely but it did happen.

Carson was known as one of the cold guys throughout the school. His whole group were, It was mainly due to rejecting people who would always confess to them.

Also because of their facial expressions. Not many people would talk to them and they didn't mind, they liked their small friend group.

Carson looks at her as she sit chatting with her friends. He observes her facial expressions and body language. Noticing It's the complete opposite of her usual cheerful and happy energy, a frown takes place on his face.

Watching as her and her friend group stand up and leave, he watches carefully and spots a few tears falling down her face. His eyes soften at the sight and all he wants to do is run over and hug her, comfort her.

Watching her and her friends rush out of the canteen, Carson's eyes stay lingering on the door Brynn just walked out of. Feeling the nudge to his arm, he shakes his head from his daze and looks to his right to find Hayden.

"You alright?" Nodding his head to Hayden's concern, he takes a glance back over to the door and grows concerned.

"Do you know why Brynn's crying just now?"

Everyone around the table stops their conversation and turns to look at Carson.

"You haven't heard?" William said to Carson with a confused look. Shaking his head to William's response, he looks at the others who share the same look. Johnny answers his question.

"You didn't hear? Joey cheated on Brynn"

Hearing those words leave his mouth, Carson clenches his fists underneath the table and looks around the canteen for any sight of Joey, or even his friends.

Poking his tongue in the corner of his mouth, Carson tries to control the sudden rush of anger that came over him, he looks down at the empty wrappers from his lunch.

"I'm gonna beat the shit out of him" Mumbling to himself, Carson stood up from his seat.

Picking his bag up, he swings it over his shoulder and begins to walk out of the canteen. On a hunt to find a guy who hurt Brynn.

Slamming the outside door open, Carson stands still for a moment, observing the outside of the school. Squinting his eyes, he catches sight of a mixture of girls and boys surrounding a tree spot.

Smirking to himself, Carson storms his way over to the group and roughly pushes past people. "Out of my way" by the tone of his voice, everyone clears a pathway for him, feeling scared to get on the wrong side of him.

Seeing Joey sitting comfortably on one of the benches with his friends, Carson makes his presence known by shouting to him. "Hey Joey, you better explain yourself or I'm gonna kill you!"

Startled by his voice, Joey sits up and looks to where the sound coming from. Finding Carson marching his way past many students, Joey clears his throat and sits up straight before putting a smile and standing up.

"Ah Carson, what can I do for you?" Joey speaks with one of his many different personas.

Acting all nice and friendly in front of others, probably to keep up his reputation. When in reality, Carson knows how much of a terrible and cruel person he is.

Carson doesn't reply, instead he lifts his fist up and throws a jarring punch across his cheek. The others surrounding them gasp in shock at the scene but Carson doesn't pay attention to them or their remarks. He keeps his eyes fixed onto Joey, who's touching his cheek from the harsh impact.

Looking back up with a frown in his face, Joey acts clueless in front of everyone which only frustrates him more. "Don't look at me like you don't know what you did, because I know damn well you know and you're just acting like a stuck up brat to seem like you were the one hurt in the relationship."

Joey holds his cheek walks back to where he was standing and speaks. "I don't know what you're on about, okay? Why don't you calm down before you do something bad" Rolling his eyes at Joey's comment, Carson looks to his side and spots his group of friends rushing out from the canteen.

"How could you?"

"How could I, what?"

"How could you do that to Brynn! You know how much she loves and cares for you, yet you went behind her back and slept with someone else, You cheated on her! She's the most caring and kindest and bubbly person I know and I'd be damned if anything bad happens to her"

Joey raised on of his eyebrows and puts on a cocky expression. "Well to me, It sounds as though You've got a crush on my girlfriend."

"Really? out of the few things I said to you, that's your response?"

"You're not even denying it"

Carson let's out a heavy sigh and looks to the ground for a second. Collecting his thoughts, he looks back up to Joey, holding a firm gaze, Carson began talking.

"You know what, yes. Yes I do like Brynn. And I have like her for almost 5 years now. I realized how stupid it was of me not to confess because she ended up with you. A cold heartless two faced scumbag who goes around and sleeps with other people. She doesn't deserve you, nobody does."

Getting all of his frustration out of him, Carson doesn't realize he's getting to close until he felt a familiar arms wrapped around his waist and pulls him back. Ready to shrug the person off of him, he turns back with a harsh glare.

But that disappears as he sees soft, eyes of Brynn. His eyes quickly change from harsh pair to soft ones, matching Brynn. Seeing her gripping onto his arms, her small fragile state, he quickly turns back to look at Joey.

"You see what you've done? You've made Brynn so upset that she lost her smile. You're an evil despicable person and so help me god I will not hesitate ti lay my hands on you"

Moving towards Joey, Carson wants to throw a few punches on him but is once again pulled back to Brynn. He looks between Brynn and Joey.

On one hand, he wants to beat up Joey so much, make him feel what she's going through, but then on the other, he doesn't want to make Brynn upset or angry with himself. He's in a pickle.

"Don't do it Carson, he's not worth it. Let's go" Taking a hold of his hand, she lead him out of the group of students and to a more secluded area.

"You and me" Pointing to Joey and himself

"We're not finished"


this is going to have a part 2

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