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Unlocking the front door, Brynn opened it wide and step to the side allowing her child to go inside first. Kicking her shoes off, she runs through the living room being greeted with Carson.

"Hey princess, how was school?"

"It was amazing! Today we learned about different things about families and we got to color and snack time was fun too!"

Carson chuckles sweetly at her daughters excitement towards school and picks her up to sit her on his lap. "I'm glad you enjoyed today! Do you want a snack?"

Nodding the little girls head, Carson gave kisses all over her little face causing her to giggle before standing up with her in his arms and head through the kitchen.

Following them through the kitchen, Brynn made herself something to drink and talk to her daughter while Carson prepares a snack for her.

"Here you go sweetheart" Carson places down a small plate of fruits and some crackers in front of her daughter and she thanked him before happily munching into different fruits.

Carson takes a seat in front of Brynn and they engage in a conversation about anything and everything.

"Hey mommy, I have a question for you"

Turning her attention from Carson to her daughter, she grow curiosity to her question and ask what.

"Sure baby, what is it?"

"Am I adopted?"

Carson chokes on his cup of coffee, spitting it out all over the table. Quickly standing up, Brynn reached for the kitchen roll and wiped his mess. Sitting down, she face her daughter with a frown and shook her head.

"No baby, you're not adopted, why would you even ask mommy and daddy that?"

"Well Jessica told me she was adopted by her two daddies and I was wondering If I was adopted like her"

Carson holds in a chuckle at her daughter's words. Brynn's mouth hangs open for a moment, trying to collect the words for her reply.

"Okay, yes Jessica is adopted but you're not. I carried you around in my tummy for 9 months! You're not adopted sweetheart"

"Well just so you know that you're not, because If you were, then I will definitely would not pick you, You're to crazy and weird. Not to mention you always steal mommy away from me and we can have se-"

Slapping Carson's shoulder at his statement and choice of words.

"What was that daddy?"

Her daughter looked up at him with her doe eyes while munching on some food. Adorable. Carson shakes his head with a laugh and wipes his mouth with a napkin.

"Nothing sweetheart, daddy was only kidding" Nodding her head, she puts her attention back to her food. Carson and Brynn shared a look between each other before laughing once again.


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