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(This is kind of part 2 of pregnant hehe)

After spending the day outside going on a walk and playing at the park with her four year old son James, they came back home and went into the living room where some of his toys were kept. Taking out a tray of legos, she opened the back door to make use of the heat and started doing the dishes whilst James plays with the toys.

Halfway through washing the dishes, Brynn felt a tug at the bottom of her dress. Peering  she head down to find James standing there with a big smile on his face, the smile that he got from his father. Putting the dish into the dishwasher, she dry off her hands and  to crouch down to be eye lever of her son.

"What's up buddy?" She asked softly.

James wraps his arms around her neck and gives a quick hug and a kiss on her cheek before looking out at the backdoor that's wide open.

"May I play outside please mommy?"

Nodding her head, James thanked her and grab his little shoes before rushing out the door. Smiling widely at the view of her son playing outside with his toy cars and running around the garden, she finished the dishes and head outside to enjoy the sun with James.

A few hours go by and Brynn is back inside preparing for lunch for her and James. Putting the meal onto the plates, she step outside and head over to the table on the deck an placed it down. Calling James over and he runs over with his cars and sits down, ready to enjoy his lunch.

After lunch, the girl applied sun screen all over James, and he waits a few moments while eating an ice pop. Cleaning up the plates, Brynn went back outside with James and play around together for a few hours until afternoon.

Sitting down on the couch watching some tv after spending the majority of the day outside with James, She saw James coming inside with his hands clasped together, holding something. Frowning, she paused the show and turn her attention to the 4 year old who's walking over tho where she was with a big cheeky grin plastered on his face.

"What's in your hand, James?" she asked, curious to the meaning behind his menacing grin.

With him now being stood in front of her, she lift her legs up to the couch and turn her body away.

"What is it? what do you have baby?"

James takes one hand away and looks up at her with smile growing even wider. Finding a black blob in his hand, She leaned in just a tiny bit closer to get a better look. Letting out a loud scream, she jumped up from the sofa and run away to the other side of the room.

"Why do you have a spider James? Go put it outside."

Laughing at her mom's reaction, James decided to do the opposite and he start running over to Brynn. Widening her eyes, she move to the side and run to the kitchen. With James following her behind, his laughs getting louder by the second,  she run around the whole house.

"James stop it! I swear I will take all you toys away If you don't stop now"

James didn't listen and continues to chase her mom around the house, loving the reaction he's getting out from Brynn.

Screaming and shouting at James to stop and him giggling and laughing, she's unable to hear the sound of the pass code being entered into the door and the sound of it opening.

Carson enters the house to the sound of laughter and screaming. Smiling to himself, he grows curiosity as to what's happening and kicks his shoes off. Following the sound of the loudness coming from the the two, he sees Brynn running away from her son who's got one of his arms out in front, holding something to her.

Leaning against the door frame, he watches the scene play in front of him with a loving smile.

"James stop! Put it outside right now! I'm warning you, I will take your toys away forever and you'll never see them again If you don't go and put the spider outside"

Carson lets out a low chuckle at the word spider, the realization of James chasing her around the house with a spider makes him laugh louder. Whilst running back to the living room, She noticed her husband, Carson leaning against the door frame, laughing at the situation. Running over to him, she hide behind his figure and James comes rushing along and tries to get behind him. Using Carson as a shield, she block James out from getting to her for a while before he tires himself out.

"Okay, okay. I think that's enough now" Carson said through his laughs

"Why don't you go put Mr. spider outside and put mommy out of her misery"

James gives a little pout before walking outside and putting the spider gently down on the wall.

"Today seems eventful then" Carson comments turning around to face Brynn and pressed a kiss to her lips.

Wrapping her arms around his neck and he sneaks his arms around her waist and pulls her against his chest.

"It was very eventful. How was your day? Did your learn a new dance?" Nodding his head, he leans in and they shared a passionate kiss.

"Ew, so gross!" Being cut off form the kiss by the sound of James making fake throwing up noises, They pulled away and let out a giggle at his behavior.

"Come play outside with me daddy!" James pulled Carson away from Brynn and drags him outside where they both play football together.

Smiling fondly at the scene, she couldn't have asked for a better day.

The end.

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