Rainy day

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Waking up in the warm embrace of Carson, her boyfriend, Brynn smiled and kept her eyes closed, not ready yo take in the brightness just yet.

Turning onto her back, she stretched her body and let out a groan. Opening her eyes, she blinked for few seconds, allowing her eyes to adjust to the light before shifting to face Carson.

Smiling almost instantly at the sight of Carson lying next to her, fast asleep. His cute cheeks bloated and his plum lips in a pout, gosh she could just melt at the sight.

Without realising it, Brynn lift her hand up and starts to play with his hair and to his cheeks and to his lips at last.

With the pad of her fingertip touching his pink plum lips, she let out a gasp and flinch when Carson opens his lips and traps her finger in between them.

Opening his eyes, he lets out a raspy chuckle and let her finger go. "Good morning baby" smiling at him, she leaned in and gave him a soft peck on his lips before snuggling up into his chest.

"Did you sleep well?" Brynn mumbled against Carson's skin. Carson raises his hand and strokes her hair.

"I did sleep well, princess. Did you?" Nodding her head, she listened to the heartbeat of Carson's ad they fall into a peaceful silence.

Moments of silence passed by and they stayed cuddled up in each others embrace. Carson leans up on his arm and stares lovingly at Brynn.

"What should we do today?" Moving to sit up, she scrunch her face up whilst thinking about many thing she could do today. Unsure, she move up to sit on her knees and looked outside the window.

Seeing many speckle raindrops splattered along the window, she looked a little closer and peer her head down to look at the streets. Many puddles of water lying along the street.

Sighing, Brynn turned back to Carson and think. "We could just have a lazy, rainy day inside together" liking her suggestion, Caron nods and tackles Brynn into a big hug.

Laughing loudly, they cuddled for a while more before heading downstairs to make some breakfast together.

They both decided to make waffles with Brynn's new waffle machine with some fruits and whipped cream.

After breakfast, they went to the living room and chilled together while watching some TV. Carson had his legs spread out along the sofa and Brynn had her back pressed on Carson's chest.

"You wanna bake some brownies?" Carson whispered against her ear. Fixating her eyes off the TV in front of her, Brynn turned her head to face Carson with a smile in her face.

"Yeah, can we put some m&ms in it" Laughing, Carson nods his head and Brynn jumped up from the sofa and run into the kitchen leaving behind Carson who's chuckling at her cuteness.

Walking inside not too long after Brynn ran out, Carson stands at the doorway in shock when he notices all the ingredients and the tools needed for baking brownies was already laid along the countertop.

"Come on slow coach, we're making brownies"

The kitchen was a mes.

Brynn just put the tray into the oven to let it bake and turn around to Carson. He sat on the kitchen counter eating the remaining brownie mixture from the bowl, head to toe in flour. Just like Brynn.

"We should clean up" agreeing, they started cleaning the kitchen and putting the dishes away before getting a drink of water.

Carson comes up behind Brynn, pressing his chest against her back. Pulling her close, Brynn smiled as Carson rests his chin in her  neck.

"You smell good"

"Stop smelling me you weirdo"

Laughing, she pushed herself out of Carson and head to the living room once again. Sitting down, Carson trails in after her and tackles Brynn for a hug.

"Get off of me you pig"

Pushing him off of her, Brynn sat back up with a playful frown on her face. Carson looks at her with a pout. "You're no fun, Brynn" He groans out.

"I'm no fun? I'll show you fun, loser" getting up from the couch, Brynn walked out of the living room leaving a very confused Carson.

A few minutes go by before Brynn entered again holding two Nerf guns. "Catch" Throwing on of the guns to Carson, he catches it and looks up at Brynn surprised. "I've hidden some bullets around the house, go find them while I try to shoot you. You got 10 second head start loser"

Carson frowns at this before hearing her counting. Rushing up from his spot, he runs around the house, making sure to be far away from Brynn. He searches hing and low for some rubber bullets.

"I'm coming, loser" Letting him know that she's starting. Brynn moved around the house in search of her boyfriend.

Finding him moments later near the kitchen, she sneaked up behind him and slowly raise her gun. She watched as he picks up one of the bullets she his around the house and take that as her chance to shoot.

"I got you! HAH you lose"

Carson flinches at the sudden appearance of Brynn when he turns around. Standing up, he looks at her with a pout and starts chasing after Brynn, firing the bullets out despite being caught.

Running away from him, Brynn burst out into laughter as she run throughout the house.

Feeling to tired to run anymore, she throw herself on the couch and Carson comes moments later "So do you still think I'm not fun?"

Carson lets out a laugh and shook his head. "I take it back baby, you're fun. so, so fun.

Giggling at his response, Carson climbs on top of Brynn and begins kissing her all over her face, telling her how cute she is. Pressing his lips onto hers, they shared a passionate kiss.

"I love you" Carson mumbles out when he pulls away to catch his breath. "I love you to baby" smiling, he pressed his plump lips onto hers once again and they make out.

"What's that smell?" Brynn asked him with a frown as she pulled away. Carson pushes up off of her and sits in a seated position next to her and Brynn did the same.

"It's smells burnt almost?" Agreeing with Carson, they think for a moment about what the smell could be.

The fire alarm goes off only for a moment after, startling them both. Looking at each other, they both rushed into the kitchen.

"The brownies! We burnt the brownies!"


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