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"I missed hanging out with you like this

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"I missed hanging out with you like this."


"You really made all of this Sy?" Sheyaa asked as he stared in awe at the table which was covered in his favorite dishes. Symere nodded happily.

"Yeah, I felt bad about not giving you anything for helping me so I decided to cook for you." Symere knew that he wasn't supposed to repay Sheyaa but proceeded to do so anyways. He couldn't help but to feel bad for not giving him anything in return. "I hope you like it."

"Sy you didn't have to do this." Sheyaa spoke as he turned towards Symere. "I only wanted to help you, I didn't want you to give me anything."

"I felt like I needed to though, I don't think you realize how much you've done for me. I haven't felt this happy in a while." Sheyaa smiled at the last sentence. He was happy that he could uplift his best friend's mood and he hoped that it remained this way. It was refreshing for him to see Symere like this. "Thank you."

"You're welcome."

"You know, I missed hanging out with you like this." Symere admitted as he sat down. "I'm glad that we can finally spend some more time together."

"Me too." Sheyaa agreed as he sat beside Symere. "It feels good to have you here." In all honesty, he didn't believe that he would be able to see Symere as often due to Jordan's controlling nature. Luckily, that was no longer a problem. "How does it feel to finally be away from Jordan?"

"It feels amazing, I kind of wish I would've left him sooner though." Symere replied happily. It took some time but after a while, he fully accepted the fact that Jordan wasn't going to treat him any better. The love that he once had for him had turned to pure hatred. He couldn't put into words how much he truly hated him.

"I'm glad that you finally see him for who he is." Sheyaa expressed as he picked up a plate and began to get some food. "Now do you see why I hated him so much?" He asked before taking a bite of chicken. "This tastes amazing Sy." He smiled while complimenting his friend's cooking.

"Thank you, I was hoping that you liked it." Symere responded joyfully. "But yeah, now I see why you hated him." It never occurred to Symere how horribly Jordan had treated him until he had decided to leave him.

"He didn't deserve you, you were too good for him." Symere liked to hear Sheyaa speak highly of him. It always filled him with an overwhelming sense of joy and made him feel loved. "Has he always acted like this?"

"Yes, at first it wasn't so bad but over time it grew worse." Sheyaa was saddened by the fact that his best friend had to experience this. Oftentimes, he regrets not being able to see the signs sooner.

"I can't imagine how horrible it must have felt to deal with that. I wish I could've helped you faster." Symere lightly rubbed Sheyaa's back.

"Don't feel bad, it's not your fault. You didn't know at the time." Symere spoke, trying his best to comfort Sheyaa. "I'm still grateful that you helped me."

"That's great to know. I'm happy that you appreciate my help but I just feel like I should've done better. I shouldn't have let you suffer for so long." Symere didn't want Sheyaa to blame himself like this, he wanted Sheyaa to know that he was appreciative of everything he had done for him. Even the slightest things made a big difference for him such as just being able to talk to him every once in a while.

"Don't blame yourself for something you had no control over. Everything is ok now and that's all that matters." Symere responded. Sheyaa still felt a little guilty about the situation but began to calm down a bit. Symere took notice of Sheyaa's change of attitude.

"I'm sorry, I just don't wish I would've known sooner." Sheyaa expressed.

"You don't need to be sorry Sheyaa, it's ok. I just don't want you to be mad at yourself." Similar to how Sheyaa feels about Symere, he couldn't bare to see Sheyaa so upset. Although it may not happen often, it still hurts Symere to see the unpleasant sight.

"Alright, I'll work on not being so hard on myself." Sheyaa promised, and that was exactly what he meant. Unlike Jordan, Sheyaa was a man of his word. He wasn't the type to be dishonest and he couldn't bring himself to lie to anyone, especially Symere.

"Good." Symere smiled. He could understand why Sheyaa felt the way he did but he didn't want him to put the blame on himself. He wanted Sheyaa to understand that he was just happy that he was in a better place than he once was. "I don't like seeing you do this to yourself." Symere vocalized.

Seeing Sheyaa in a state like that made him feel terrible, the last thing wants is for Sheyaa to feel as if he did something wrong when that couldn't be further from the truth. Even though Sheyaa felt that he should've dealt with the situation sooner, Symere couldn't be happier with the help that Sheyaa had provided. Symere had learned a lot from this experience thanks to Sheyaa.

"You've done a lot more than you think you've done for me and I want you to realize that." Symere began. "I don't want you to focus on the things that you could've or things that you think you should've done. I want you to be proud of yourself for the things that you already did."

"Thanks, I really think I needed that." Sheyaa smiled. After listening to Symere, he realized that he wasn't going to be able to do everything that wish he had done in the past and that he shouldn't be so hard on himself over things that he can't change. What would Sheyaa do without Symere?

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