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  "I think you have the wrong number

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"I think you have the wrong number."


The following morning, Symere was awoken by the sound of various loud pings emanating from his phone. Out of annoyance, he drowsily reached for it and checked to see what was causing it to ping uncontrollably. Upon checking his phone he realized that he was being bombarded with text messages, but from who? Besides Sheyaa, Symere didn't have anyone else to talk to.

He opened his messages and carefully began to read each one, making sure to look for any clues as to who this person may be. "Please call me, I need to talk to you. It's important.." One of the messages read. He shrugged it off, and later began to think that this just could've been an honest mistake. Upon noticing this, he decided to reply to the person and inform them about the "mistake" they had made.

"I think you have the wrong number." He waited for a moment until he finally received a response.

"I don't have the wrong number.. You know who I am Symere." Symere stared at the screen in shock. As it had turned out, his suspicions were wrong. But who could it be?

"Who is this?"

"That's not important right now.. I just wanna talk to you." Symere was confused as to why the person didn't reveal their identity. What was there to hide?

"Why can't you just tell me..?"

"I already told you.. it's not important.. just please let me talk to you.." Symere began to get upset. His only wish at the moment was to be able to sleep peacefully but by the looks of it, that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

"Look idk who you are or what you want but I'm done playing these games. Now quit texting me I'm tryna sleep." But the person wouldn't give up so easily. The message they had for Symere was far too important.

"I'm not stopping until you agree to talk to me.." Symere rolled his eyes.

"Why don't you just tell me rn then...?"

"I wanna tell you in person.."

"In person..? Idk you.." Symere refused to fulfill the individual's request. What if they were someone who intended to hurt him? Without knowing them or their motives, there was no way he would agree to something like that.

"Yea you do... trust me." The person insisted. Symere couldn't help but to do the opposite. How could he trust someone he knew nothing about?

"I can't.. I don't know anything about you. you could be anybody." Symere replied, expressing his clear discomfort with the idea.

"But you do tho..."

"No I don't, I've never seen this number before." Symere countered.

"Numbers change.." As the conversation progressed, Symere grew more aggravated. He couldn't stand it when people wasted his time.

"Just tell me what you wanted to say."

"I'm only doing it in person.. it would be better if I did it that way.."

"Whatever you wanna say must not be so important then bc you would've said it already."

"Ik I'm probably getting on ur nerves and I'm sorry but I really don't think that we should do this over text.. I don't feel like that would be the best thing for me to do since it's important.." No matter how hard he tried, the person just wouldn't leave him alone. What would it take for him to stop?

"I'm done talking about this you're wasting my fucking time." Symere abruptly ended the conversation before turning his phone on silent and placing back on his nightstand.

He turned towards a sleeping Sheyaa and wondered if he should inform him about what's happening. On one hand, he felt as if he could deal with the problem on his own, but on the other, he wanted him to step in. He figured that if he couldn't resolve the issue then maybe Sheyaa could. But what if it never stopped? What if the person continued? Logically, he would've already blocked the number by now but what was the use? They could easily change their number and continue contacting him, since they knew his somehow. Who was this person and what did they want from Symere?

𝘔𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦// 𝘗𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘰𝘪𝘶𝘻𝘪Where stories live. Discover now