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"Testing, testing..."

The words boomed through the auditorium, bouncing off of the walls as the microphone soaked them in.

"Everyone, settle down now. Everyone, please stop talking!"

The students seated in the rows of chairs halted their conversations, their attention turning to the principal standing at the podium in the center of the stage. Mr. Lee, plump and proper, adjusted his tie under the eyes of the students.

"Thank you very much," he spoke into the microphone. "Now, as you all know, our school year will soon be reaching the middle of its time. Mid-year exams are just around the corner."

Groans rang through the room as the reminder about the scariest of tests reached the ears of the kids.

"I know you're all nervous," Mr. Lee continued, "and I understand that many of you are concerned about these exams. I'm going to be honest and say that they could make or break your grade in a particular class."

Some of the students shivered at the thought of their grade lowering a letter.

"I just want you all to realize that if you study well enough for the mid-years and the finals, when the time for them comes, you'll be on your way to a bright future in college. I know that seems like a lot of pressure and many of you are close to wetting yourself," he paused here to let the laughter die down, "but just relax, work hard, and you'll see all of your sweat soon paying off. You'll be successful and leaving this school on your way to a better life with education. And on that note, I would like you all to give a warm round of applause to last week's election's winner for student body president, Do Kyungsoo!"

Claps sounded through the auditorium as the young president took the stage.

Do Kyungsoo was rather the obvious choice in the election the previous week. It was hard to compete with him for such a title.

He might have been small in terms of height, but his brain was far from it. Nobody in the entire school was as smart as him and nobody took school as seriously as he did.

His large eyes were windows to the world through which he learned more from than in class. His ears captured every lecture like recorders, the lessons playing back in his head whenever he needed them.

He was nothing short of a genius, and the title of 'President" only proved the fact. He took Mr. Lee's advice about the upcoming exams to heart, and everyone knew he would do more than succeed on them.

Hands gripping the sides of the podium, Kyungsoo took a swift look at the student body. They observed him in turn, watching every move his fragile looking body made underneath his dress pants and plaid polo. He ran a hand through his neatly combed hair.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he began with a smile, "I'd like to thank all of you once again for electing me as your President."

He held up a hand to silence the applause generated from the message.

"It is an honor to be the leader of this school and I am more than happy to lead us towards victory against other schools in the area if our paths should cross. Right now, however, we will discuss some other things in this school. First off, how's everyone liking the new cafeteria menu I set up? Huh?"

Voices of approval sprung up from all sections of the audience.

Kyungsoo rubbed his hands together. "Good, good. Glad to hear that. Second, I'd like to address the problem in the boy's locker room. Guys, the showers are for cleaning, not reproduction. You know who you are."

Snickers hissed around.

"Lastly, about the exams: don't fret. Everything's going to be alright. Study hard and you'll be fine. Or you can be one of those people who fails and has to take high school over and over and over again. That shouldn't happen if you study. Thank you and good luck."

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