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It was the first snow of the season.

Kyungsoo watched from his window, mesmerized, as snowflakes flurried down from the sky. They came in armies of hundreds, attacking the grass below and coating it with a powerful sheet of white.

Kyungsoo's face broke into a smile he didn't even know was there. When he finally realized what expression he was holding, his cheeks were numb and lips were in pain.

Seeing the snow coming down just made him feel like a child. Almost innocent. Snow brought back memories of him fooling around in it, making snowmen and throwing snowballs at Mr. Do's face.

He turned up the collar of his turtleneck sweater and opened the window. A gust of wind hit him hard, and Kyungsoo scrunched up his face, trying to disregard the snowflakes pounding into his eyeballs.

He leaned out of the window and squinted his eyes at Jongin's. Through the countless flakes of shimmering white, he barely made out the other's figure as he wandered around the room.

Jongin was pacing back and forth, up and down, and Kyungsoo wondered if it had to do with the fact that their date in the park was cancelled due to the weather. If school was not in session, that definitely meant it was not safe to go outside.

Kyungsoo pulled his collar up to cover the bottom half of his face, his smile warmed by the red wool. He waved to Jongin even though he was pretty sure the younger man couldn't see him.

But Jongin felt Kyungsoo's eyes on him. He wandered over to the window and flung it open, own expression curving into a knowing smirk. Kyungsoo wanted him over there, holding him, and that thought made Jongin feel all fuzzy naughty on the inside.

"Jongin!" Kyungsoo called over the howling wind. "Come over here!"

Jongin didn't need to be told twice. Kyungsoo watched him grab a scarf and disappear from view. The older giddily shut his window and rushed downstairs to open the door for his boyfriend.

Mrs. Do was in the kitchen reading a book, and she timidly raised her head at the sound of someone knocking on the door. When she saw Kyungsoo rush for the wooden plank, she knew immediately who it was waiting on the other side.

And she was not pleased. Seeing the young man who was the reason behind her son's life threatening disease only made her blood reach its boiling point.

Mrs. Do still hadn't explained to her husband where Kyungsoo had gotten his H.I.V from. Frankly, she'd felt terrible for Jongin, and didn't want Mr. Do coming after him with the saw from the garage. But now, she felt like she'd enjoy Mr Do chasing Jongin down with the saw like Jason from the Friday the 13th movies.

In regards to whether or not she regretted suggesting Jongin to Kyungsoo as a date in the first place, Mrs. Do was having deep doubts about the boys' relationship.

Nonetheless, she said nothing when Kyungsoo tore open the door and swung his arms around Jongin's neck. As a mother, she simply felt happy seeing her son's face light up.

They were glowing, the two of them. Mrs. Do felt as though the boys could act as candles if the power went out. She'd never seen Kyungsoo happier in his entire life.

She wasn't sure if she was supposed to be joyful about the couple. Was this right? Was she obligated to approve of this relationship? Did Jongin really meet her expectations?

No. He did not. How could a young man who hurt her son fulfill her needs in a proper partner? 

In spite of her deep disapproval, Mrs. Do kept quiet and lowered her gaze back down to her book. She didn't want to argue with Kyungsoo to the point where he'd threaten to run away. Her heart would break if her only son disappeared.

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