Chapter 1

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Hi all!!! Thank you for reading my first written piece.  I hope you like it.  I should tell you that I write as though my characters are just sitting talking to each other. So you will see things like Rory: or another character. Hope this makes more sense.  I know its different but I hope you will all stick it out.

Chapter 1

Being on a bus as part of the press corp for president elect Obama wasn't everything Rory imagined. It was tiring with bad take out food and even worse coffee. Rory was homesick. She hadn't been home in close to 3 months. Life on the road was much different than what she expected. Rory looked at her schedule and realized she had the night off and no commitments for tomorrow. She quickly decided that she could afford one night in a nicer hotel with a really great steak dinner. A nice hot shower with a decent mattress and some good food would help the situation. She took out her phone and reserved a room at the drake hotel for the night with dinner reservations at . Her day was looking up.

The bus pulled into Chicago at 3. Rory spoke to Jane who she usually shared a room with and told her she was meeting friends and would not be using the room that night as she would be crashing with her friends. Jane was happy to have the room to herself. Rory grabbed a cab and was at the Drake in no time. She quickly checked in and went up to her room. The room was beautiful and the shower looked like something out of a magazine.

Rory wasted no time and found herself enjoying the many shower heads. After a relaxing shower she debated getting room service and canceling her dinner reservations but she decided she needed to be with people. Little did she know that that decision would change the rest of her life.

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