Chapter 18 Brunch

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Thank you all for the lovely reviews. I appreciate al of them. I hope you all like my next chapter.  Still looking for a beta if you are interested. 

Chapter 18

Finn and Rory woke up about 9 am refreshed. They enjoyed a romantic steamy shower sex before getting dressed for the day. They spent some time cleaning up and putting everything away. Rory put her wedding dress back in the bag and her shoes back in the box and in its bag. Finn hung up his suit in its bag and put his shoes in the box and in its bag. They put their dirty clothes in the small suitcase. They opened every draw and closet to make sure they didn't forget anything. Finn emptied the safe. Rory puts her necklace box into her carryon and Finn put the extra money into his wallet. They clean up all their toiletries and put everything away in the suitcases. Happy that everything is exactly where they want it, they both look at the clock and see it's 10:30. They decide to go down to the drawing room. Rory is in desperate need of coffee. Once there they saw John had set up everything beautifully. The flowers Finn picked out for the tables were very pretty. Finn was happy to see that his parents were the first ones down for brekky.

Finn: Good morning. Da I forgot to tell you yesterday but I figured you would understand. No one including Barbara who helped me make the baskets knows that we got married. We didn't want to leak it and possibly have the paparazzi show up. No one knows I will not be in the office or checking emails for 3 weeks. I finished that deal to buy that new hotel in Hartford. That's my last known outstanding project. I will have my phone in case of emergency but I am looking to take some time off too. I also wanted to talk to you about sitting in with Lane and Zach with me. I would like to offer for them to be the new house band for the new club in the new hotel in Hartford. They are really good and I think they would be the right vibe. As well as save me the headache of trying to find a band.

JP: Morning. Sorry we are early. I needed coffee. Ok one part at a time. I will get IT to forward all your emails to me while you are gone. Between Barbara and myself we will get everything done. Need not worry. You have been working crazy lately. Let me take care of it. I was thinking that a new proposal for the new hotel would take you a month or more to write out. That it's done already is huge. Do you want me to tell Barbara? Or is it a surprise till you get back. Yes I will happily sit with you to talk to Lane and Zach. I trust your opinion on that. Wow, this room reminds me of a library. Is that why you picked it?

Finn: Either way is fine with me for Barbara. I sent you all the info for buying that new hotel on Friday. It needs a lot of work. Kinda like this place did. Old and outdated but has a lot of potential. Yes, when I saw this room with all the built-in when we bought this hotel I immediately thought of a library setting. Why in bloody hell would someone cover up half this room with drywall and tacky old wallpaper I will never know. This room had drywall over all these built-ins. Now I don't know about you but I'm hungry.

With a cup of coffee in Hand and a cup of tea for Finn Rory walked over to Amelia and JP.: I would like to apologize for my outburst with Emily last night. It was not nice of me and I am sorry if one of the first impressions that you had of me was being rude to an elder.

JP: You do not owe us any apology. We heard what you said to her and you are right. You are a grownup and allowed to make your own decisions. If you were my daughter I wouldn't want you to marry someone who believes that it is ok to continually lie and cheat on you and have mistresses all over. Amelia and I are both from society families but we didn't marry for the society wedding or look or to combine for financial gain. We married for love. We tried very hard to make sure that David and Finn understood that we didn't care who they married as long as it was for love and they were happy. We also tried to make sure they understood that we don't care about what your kids do. We are not looking for an heir. We want them to be happy and healthy that's all. Your wedding was beautiful and was custom made for you both. I am proud that you stood up to Finn and told Finn that you wanted Luke to walk you down the aisle. That took guts. We have no problem with you wanting work. David's wife is a school teacher and Amelia works with me and Finn in the business. David is in culinary school. You should know if you don't already our family and the Hayden's have always been good friends. We used to vacation together and until last night we knew nothing about you. So you were correct to say that Chris was not present in your life. I think if he was Chris would have brought you on a vacation with us over the years or at least talked about you. Don't worry I always thought that Chris needed to grow up and take responsibility. Now I have a question for you? You said your mom, Lorelai took you and ran away with you. Can I ask how old she was when she had you and how old was she when she ran away. Trying to piece something together in my head.

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