Chapter 3 The hotel room

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Chapter 3

Finn: Rory I know this is sudden and totally off the wall but it feels so right. Lorelai Leigh Gilmore-Hayden, Rory would you do me the great honor of marrying me and becoming my wife. I know I don't have a ring but we can go get you one tomorrow. Please say yes. I know this is sudden but I am a firm believer when it's right, it's right. I have found you again and I don't want to let you go ever. We will make the next month work for us. We can figure it out together.

Rory: Finn are you serious? Are you sure? I don't want to rush you into anything.

Finn: I have never been more serious or sure about anything in my life. Rory please make me the happiest person in the world and let me make you my wife.

Rory: Finn I say yes. A thousand times yes. Now my sexy, (kiss), rugged, (kiss), funny, (kiss) fiancée should we celebrate our new engagement or should we talk some first?

Finn: Let's stay like this and talk for a bit first. What are you envisioning? Would you like a society wedding and a big ball gown? When are you wanting to get married? What are you thinking?

Rory: No, I do not want a big society wedding. That's what Emily would like and I am sure will be very upset when she doesn't get her way. I could see her trying to make us have a society party as well. I would say we should elope but I would like my mom and Luke there. My grandparents will be crushed if they aren't there. I have a feeling your parents would also be upset. I am honestly thinking I would like a small intimate affair. Maybe to keep Emily out of planning it we could plan a small destination wedding. Send everyone cards but don't tell them what they are coming for. What do you think?

Finn: Oh I like that idea. I twist on a LDB event and we have just close family there. My family really isn't into the whole dog and pony show that goes along with being part of society. They will just be happy I found someone and that they are invited for the ceremony.

Finn reaches out and grabs his phone; they quickly make their guest list.

Lorelai and Luke, Emily and Richard, Lane and Zach, JP and Amelia, Lynn and David, Colin and Robert, Stephanie. Rory was still debating if she wanted her dad to be there and Francine Hayden.

Finn: Now where should we have it? So I count 17 of us with your dad and Francine included. How about we rent out the ballroom at the plaza? Or the conservatory at our new hotel. I will work that out if that works for you. Or do you think New York would be hard for everyone to get to. Thinking we could disguise it as a welcome back home party for you after you have been on the road the last year and a half? I would say somewhere in Connecticut but I think Emily might try to control the whole thing. I say New York as that's where your new job might be. What about a dress for you? Do you want to try to get one tomorrow and I could take it back to New York with me. I promise not to look at it. I was thinking of asking Colin to be my best man and David, my brother to stand up for us. Robert is such an amazing photographer I know he would love to take the pictures and they would come out amazing. I could ask him to take them for the return home party.

Rory: I love the idea of a coming home party. We should say something like please come in formal attire on the card. I like the idea of getting a dress tomorrow and you taking it back to ny. I am ok with you wearing a suit not a tux. I think I would like Lane and my mom to stand up for me. I know my dad may be upset but I think I want Luke to walk me down the aisle. We would need someone to marry us and a band or dj.

Finn: Let me worry about the place, minister and dj and the flowers. Maybe you could ask Luke and your dad to walk you down the aisle. That way there will be no hard feelings. Just a thought. Wow. This really is coming together. I will take care of rooms for everyone as well. All I can say, (kiss)beautiful, (kiss) loving, (kiss) fiancée is I can't wait to make you my wife. Now enough planning and more love making.

Their love making was a little more rough this time around but even more satisfying than the last time. They both fell asleep in each other's arms excited about the next month and the rest of their lives. 

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