Chapter 16 The Wedding

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Thank you all for the lovely reviews. I hope you enjoy this next chapter. I am presently looking for a beta.  If you are interested PM me.  Thankyou and I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 16

Luke and Lorelai arrive at 5:55. Lorelai is escorted in and Luke is asked to wait there for a minute.

Luke: I am sure there's nothing wrong. I will see you in a minute or two.

Security guard: Mr. Danes could you please follow me this way.

Luke nods and follows the security guard. He knocks on the door and Diane opens it to see 2 gentlemen.

Diane: Ok this is where we leave you. Good luck and you look beautiful. Thank you again.

All three girls left quickly and the security guard sent Luke in and closed the door.

Rory: Hi Luke.

Luke: Hi Rory. What's going on? Why is everything so secretive? What's with the beautiful white dress?

Rory: Everything is so secretive as I am about to get married and I would love for you to do me the honor of walking me down the aisle. You have been there for me everyday since I was 10.

Luke: Rory, what about Christopher, his feelings will be hurt.

Rory: There is a part today for him to play. This role is and should be yours. You have been there for me even when you didn't have to be long before you got together with mom. You were there for scraped knees, pie on bad days, brownies at caterpillars funerals, my high school graduation, good days too, heck you even helped move me into college. You may not officially have the dad title but you have earned it nonetheless. Please don't make me cry as we just sent away the makeup lady. Please say yes.

Luke: Rory, you are going to make me cry. I would be honored to walk you down the aisle. You know this is going to make Emily upset. Actually I was going to call you tonight and ask your permission to ask your mom. I have a ring and everything.

Rory: Oh Luke you should ask her at the reception. Oh course you have my permission. Robert I am sure would take your pictures. Neither of us would be offended and it's gorgeous inside the room. then I can say my stepdad or better yet my dad officially walked me down the aisle. Honestly I don't care what Emily thinks or says. After the crap she pulled these last three weeks she will be lucky if I even talk to her.


Little did Rory or Finn know but Finn's parents and Richard and Emily were in the conservatory.

Richard walks up to JP and says: it's mighty nice to see you again JP and what a beautiful place this is. Do you by any chance know who Finn is? I have had the opportunity to talk to him several times in the last couple of weeks and I was hoping to put a face with a name.

JP: Has my son done something wrong?

Richard: Finn is your son? No, I was just going to thank him for his help. No worries I am sure I will meet him some time soon.

Richard walked back up to Emily and grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to him. He whispered in her ear.: That man you were convinced couldn't throw a decent affair and were so rude on the phone is no other than Finn Morgan of the JP Morgan Chase family. I can't believe you. You stupid cow. If you cost me their business, we will lose our house and I will lose all my clients and I will make sure you lose anything you may be entitled to.

Emily: How was I supposed to know. He wouldn't tell me his full name. Either way he should have let me help. But now I guess knowing his full name I know he has thrown more affairs than I have and doesn't need my help. This room is rather pretty with all the flowers. I do wonder why we are here though.

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