Chapter 15 Emily vs. the spa

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Chapter 15

Saturday morning felt surreal. They had such a big day going on but could enjoy some time just snuggling in each other's arms. They both admitted that they both were a little nervous but excited nonetheless. They got up and got dressed and went downstairs for a delicious brekky. On the way back up they stopped in John's office and gave him the cards for the people at the check-in desk, the cards that said brunch was at 11 Sunday morning in the drawing room for each of the suites, the list of which flowers went to which hotel rooms, which flowers went on the reception tables and which flowers were for the brunch tomorrow. They also gave him the 2 place cards for Marie and Seth explaining that they should both go onto Marie's chair. They also gave John a copy of the requested song list to give to Shawn, the DJ. John was happy to have everything early. He told Rory he would have her flowers put in the room she was meeting Luke in. Finn's boutineer would be going to the other room. John was also going to go to the honeymoon suite at approximately 1pm to get the gift baskets. He would have them displayed at the reception area like they talked about. They thanked John and went back to their room.

Once in their room they got the speeches, vows, and sand paragraphs put in the envelope and Finn put it in his suit jacket pocket. They both quickly checked their emails to make sure no one was looking for them and there were no emergencies. There weren't. Finn called Joe and he promised Finn all the limos were on their way to the prospective places and to not worry and enjoy his day. Finn thanked Joe for making this seamless for them.

Rory and Finn then cleaned up their room and put everything they didn't need away. Finn packed up this computer. They figured whatever they didnt need was going to go into the smaller suitcase and go into the Escalade to go back to their place. Finn went to the safe and got out the necklace he bought for her and gave it to her.

Rory started crying.: Finn now this is too much. You spoil me too much.

Finn: Please don't cry kitten. I could never spoil you enough. I thought you might like to wear it with your dress today. I saw it in Chicago and fell in love with it. You deserve to be spoiled rotten. I am going to put it back in the safe for now. You know the code to get it later. I am sure Diane can help you put it on if you want.

Rory: How is the Escalade getting back to our place? Are we driving it back home?

Finn: I thought I would ask da to drive it back to our place and for their limo to follow them before bringing them home. As you saw it's a quick trip to the apartment from here. I would even be willing to bet da would be holding the keys for us to have dinner together with them and maybe even your mom and Luke when we get back. I could even see them picking us up. If not Joe will have a car come get us from the jet.

Just so you know I arranged for the limos to come back and pick everyone up at 3 pm. Your mom, Luke, da and mum's limos are coming at 8 and I pushed back our departure time till 9. I arranged for us to have dinner with the 6 of us at the chef's table Sunday night with a 4:30 reservation. I thought it would be nice for everyone to get to know each other in a little less formal environment before we leave for 3 weeks. The other two limos would pick mum, da, Lorelai and Luke up at 8. I know it will make for a longer day for them but I thought it would make everyone feel better that they all got to know each other. I did not make a card for dinner. I thought we could just tell them ourselves and this way Emily couldn't try to horn in on it. Sorry I just don't trust that lady.

Rory: Oh I love that idea. Maybe we should ask if your dad should take the truck back to your house when everyone else leaves. I guess then we would have to figure out how to get him back, scratch that idea. You are spoiling me with this chef's table. The food is so delicious. I had such a fun time last night. I do feel bad that we don't have a basket for Seth though.

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