Chapter 10 Emily tries again

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Chapter 10

Wednesday and Thursday were much of the same. Rory went to meet and greets and wrote her articles while Finn stayed in the room doing his work. They spent the evenings together talking about the wedding and everything else that they could think of. They were enjoying the simple times just being together. They went to the mall on Thursday night and found a beautiful necklace for Lane. Rory was also able to find some new sandals and shorts. Finn promised her he would find her some cute tops this weekend.

Emily called on Wednesday and Thursday again trying to help with the event. She was getting more and more upset and more pushy that her offers of help were being rejected. On Friday Finn and Rory both packed up and Finn was going back to New York City while Rory traveled with the core to Pennsylvania. She would be in Pennsylvania for 2 nights and Finn was going to meet her on Monday night in West Virginia. The wedding was coming soon and sooner. Rory was on to Pennsylvania then West Virginia then home to New York.

Before Rory left for the bus Emily called again this time with Richard on the phone. Finn rolled his eyes and put his phone on speaker so Rory could hear too. They had decided that if Emily continued to harass Finn that it might be best for them not to come.

Emily: Good morning Finn. Richard is also on the phone with us. Again I would like to offer my help with this event you are throwing. I know you need my help.

Finn : Good morning. As I have explained to you Emily and now will do the same for you Richard as well Emily's help is not needed or wanted and if she persists to try to bully me into getting her way I think it might be best for you both to not attend.

Richard: I understand what you are saying and we want to be included. Bullying that seems rather harsh?

Finn: Richard, do you realize that this is the 6th phone call I have received from Emily in the last two weeks and the third day in a row she has called me. The first time she called me she told me that the invitation that she received was not in good taste and she demanded more information. When I refused to give her more information she became pushier and pushier. She has continued to call me to offer to help me throw this event. I do not want or need her help. This is bordering on harassment so yes I think it's bullying. I have thrown many events before and I do not want or need Emily's help but somehow Emily can not seem to understand that I wouldn't need her help. No one else that was invited to this event has called me more than to rsvp that they will be attending. I feel that Emily is beyond being pushy and rude at this point.

Richard was shocked as he did not know the extent to which Emily had been harassing Finn. Richard: Finn please accept my apology for any hurt or trouble Emily may have caused you. I feel incredibly embarrassed as I did not know how many times Emily has contacted you or how pushy she was being. I promise that this will be the last phone call that you will be receiving from Emily and if it isn't I ask that you please call me directly. Again I apologize for her actions. I am looking forward to meeting you and this secret event.

With that they both hung up the phone.

After Richard hung up with Finn he asked: Emily why are you doing what you are doing? Why do you feel the need to harass Finn. I was embarrassed to hear from Finn that you called him 6 times in two weeks trying to get your way. You lied to me and told me you had only spoken to him once before. Why? Do you not realize that we could be uninvited by your actions? The invitation that we received only had a date and the time the driver would be there to pick us up and what clothing to wear nothing more. We know nothing more about the event except that only a select number of people were invited. I feel honored that we made the cut. I just don't understand what you were thinking?

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