Chapter 7 Maine

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Thank you to everyone who took the time to review my story. I really do appreciate the reviews. I hope you all enjoy my next chapter. 

Chapter 7

The next 5 days went by rather slowly but fast all at the same time. Finn was able to get the DJ worked out and all their songs they selected were included. Rory had decided to pick a generic song for her and Christopher to dance to.  Finn was really happy she decided to take the high road on this one. Another thing off their list. He heard from everyone that they would be attending. Emily tried to tell him that an invitation like that was in poor taste and that he would have to tell her more. Finn stuck to his guns and Emily pouted but was unable to get any more information out of Finn but told her they would attend anyway. Finn called Rory and told her what happened with Emily and Rory laughed. Rory tells Finn that she could see Emily calling and again to try to worm her way into finding out more information or try to help. Finn told her he could handle Emily.

Finn also spoke to Christopher who informed him that he would be in Hartford with his mom that weekend so he would share the car service with her if that was acceptable. Knowing this Finn emailed Joe to remove Christopher's car. Joe responded quickly with no problem. Thank you.

Finn had spoken to Robert who happily agreed to take the pictures of the event. Robert told Finn he was honored to be asked. If Robert only knew everything he would be over the moon happy for them.

Finn went shopping for some clothes for both of them for their honeymoon. He was able to find Rory some cute summer dresses but also 3 sexy bikinis and some beautiful sexy lingerie. He knew she wouldn't have time to do this on the road. Finn bought himself 2 new bathers as well a couple of pairs of shorts and some nice polo shirts. They both talked every night and any chance they got. Finn would often walk out of meetings to talk with her. Every employee of Finn's saw a change in him. He seemed more calm and centered but also a little more nervous as well. They knew something was up but they had no idea what.

Finn flew to Maine on an overnight trip just to see Rory for the night. She stayed with him at the little B and B he reserved. They had no sooner got through the door of their room than they had stripped their clothes and Finn had Rory pinned to the bed. He wasted no time entering her. He was so deeply on the edge that after 2 strokes he captured her lips in a deep passionate kiss to mask his moans as he came screaming: oh bloody god. Rory. Oh god. Oh baby. Oh my love.

Rory was right there with him moaning: oh Finn. Oh baby. Oh fuck Finn!!! God I love you.

As she came hard at the same time as Finn.

Finn: Now that took the edge off. God I have missed you kitten. Now let's try a round of slow, deep, and romantic and let's take our time. I love you.

They couldn't get enough of each other and didn't want to be apart even for a minute. This overnight already felt too short for both of them. They spent the entire night making love and holding each other close. Three more weeks to go. They spoke about what was left to be done for their wedding and Finn explained he spoke to Reverend from Stars Hollow and he was available to come but Finn didn't know how they would disguise him being there. They decided that they would hire the minister John had recommended who was also available. That way no one would be the wiser. Finn was going to try to get them to meet with him Friday night. Rory loved that idea. Finn told Rory he would finalize everything with minister Seth on Monday. They decided to write their own vows. Finn was nervous about this but they both decided that they wanted to be able to personalize their wedding in every way possible.

Finn spoke about their honeymoon and Rory said that she didn't care and would leave it all up to Finn. Finn explained that he was thinking they could go away for 2 or 3 weeks and Rory thought that was fine as long as they were back by thanksgiving and that they wouldn't be traveling everywhere on a bus. Finn laughed at that thought and promised no traveling buses. If they weren't back for thanksgiving then definitely needed to be back for the first weekend in December for Emily's annual Christmas party. They would never hear the end of it if they missed it this year. Rory was sure they would be the talk of the night. Rory did warn Finn that the Huntzberger's were usually invited as Emily was enamored with Logan and his family. Finn wasn't worried. Finn explained that once they were married Rory would be a Gilmore, a Hayden and a Morgan and she then had enough clout to have the Huntzberger's black balled from society if they were rude to her. Rory laughed as she never even thought about that.

They spoke about telling Logan about the wedding but decided that it really didn't matter if he knew. Finn felt it might be easier for him and his family to find out after the fact as then they wouldn't be able to object to the wedding or cause any problems. Finn had applied for their wedding license and they just had to pick it up on Friday before they met with the minister. There was no blood test for them to do in New York. There were three weeks left and not much left to do. Finn told Rory that he had done some honeymoon clothes shopping for her and she was grateful that he thought of that. She asked for a pair of sandals and shorts and t-shirts too if he had the time to do more shopping. Finn assured her he would get it all done and asked for recommendations.

Finn got Rory back to the bus the next morning. She was off to New Hampshire next for 1 night. Then to Massachusetts for a day before going over to upstate New York for 4 days. He promised her he would meet her in West Virginia in 6 days time. They would have the weekend to be together. They could make it 6 days. It was hard to let her go.

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