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5 years later.

the brown haired blight sat behind her table, checking, scanning and reading through paper works that seemed endless as there are two stacks both on her sides.

letting out a frustrated sigh, she took off her glasses and threw it onto the papers as it slightly slides forward. she hasn't even noticed it's already pass 10.

"goddamnit." she muttered as she lightly rubs her temples, trying to sooth her headache from reading those damned papers.

she needs something to drink.

suddenly, a kick made the door slam open. "hey bitch." a familiar voice said. groaning, "not now boscha." amity said as she pinch the bridge of her nose.

boscha scoffed, she walked inside her boss' office and crosses her arms as she stood in front of amity's table.

as amity inherits the company, she did her best on handling like her parents do. boscha got hired because of her parents said so, it has it's perks and disadvantages as boscha says so.

"get your ass outta that chair, we're going out." she said. "where?" amity asked, she grabbed her glasses again and wore it. "where else? we're going in a tavern."

amity chuckled "tavern? that's new." boscha nods "yeah well, feeling kinda hungry. so you coming or not?" amity looks at the paper work on her desk.

"forget them! there's always tomorrow!"

"some of them are due tomorrow."

"pssh, you're the ceo for fuck's sake. have your secretary do it or something." sighing in defeat, amity stood up and took off her jacket to place it onto her chair.

"fine." boscha grinned "nice. we'll be walking, it's not far from here." both of them walked out of the office and head for the elevator.

while walking to the elevator, boscha took out her phone and said something that amity couldn't hear as she's far from her. boscha pressed the ground floor button.

they waited a few moments until the elevator dinged, boscha was the first one to go inside then pushed the closed button when amity gets in.

amity does hope this take her stupid headache away.

"here we are!!" boscha swung the double doors open, the sound of a bell rang as well and it revealed the tavern. the smell of beer and spaghetti came into amity's nose making her sneeze a little.

there are tables filled with people eating, chatting and drinking. just have a good time.

boscha lead amity up to the counter and sat down, amity is getting a sense of deja vu in this kind of scenario. as amity looks at the bartender behind the counter, she doesn't recognise them.


the noise of the door's bell rang again, someone must've come in. "willow, you know my boss is gonna kill me if i come to work late tomorrow."

amity's eyes widened as she heard that voice. that kind of voice she never knew she'd hear it again.

the chair beside her drew backwards and someone sat on it. the smell of the person next to her is familiar yet strange, strawberries and fresh books.

"oh hey babe!" boscha waved at her girlfriend, willow, who's the other side. willow gave a small wave back "is gus and matt coming as well?" the voice asked.

"maybe, while waiting. let's have something to eat." willow grabbed the menu in front of her and started reading all of the foods.

amity looked at the corner of her eye to see it's really her. her hair had gotten longer that reaches above her shoulder, compared to amity, her hair is like a mane now.

she looks more mature and leaner the last time she saw her...

then luz catches amity's stare. her eyes widened as she recognises those golden hues. waves of nostalgia, pain and anger came crushing back like a tsunami of emotions.


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