The Lemon-Bomber

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A cocky man with an arrogance as big as the Eiffel Tower slipped through the facility with fruit-like explosives maintaining their composure in the palm of his hands. He chuckled devilishly; a playful laugh escaping his throat. The stranger wore a white lab coat, all rippled and dirty. On his smirking face, orange goggles covered his eye sight. His hazel hair was cut into bangs, hiding his forehead perfectly. If one thing, the individual looked like a psychotic scientist whom failed an experiment and sought revenge upon humanity.

"How about we do a little science experiment here?," he sadistically asked with an eccentric expression.

"You son of a bitch," Yosano yelped while trying to get up from her uncomfortable position on the wooden flooring.

"My, if it isn't Akiko Yosano, the personal physician of the Armed Detective Agency," he rumbled with thrill.

"And you, Kajii Motojirō, the idiot with a huge ego," the maiden replied with a shake to her legs, having a bit of trouble trying to maintain her balance.

The man named Kajii reluctantly huffed with pure ambush in his eyes, not expecting such a reply from the lady. You stood low on the floor with an aching pain to your limbs. Vibrant blood poured your numerous wounds, making your anxiety worst than usual. When trying to get up, Kajii caught a glimpse of your pitiful being and devilishly grinned with demonic eyes. Not wanting to waste any time, he threw a lemon bomb towards the direction of your savior, making the lady tumble backwards onto the wall with a loud thump. Your eyes widened, shock written on your face. Your heart beat had increasingly fastened its pace while short breaths escaped your lungs. The scientist took your ill body into his arms and jumped in a black car, leaving you dumbfounded.

Your stress level was out of this world. What shockingly surprised you, was that you weren't worrying about yourself, but about Yosano who was probably still struggling in the now ruined cafe. Questions raced your mind like a series of wildfires being lit. A striking discomfort overtook your body, the affliction leaving you numb. Before you knew it, you had lost all consciousness to your surroundings, peacefully dreaming about whatever fantasies was left in you.

When you finally woke up from your quick nap, your sour body tried lifting itself up but metal handcuffs wrapped your helpless wrists. You squirmed in anger and tried getting a good view of the room you were abandoned in. It was indeed a jail cell, nothing interesting of the sort. The walls were of a dark gray color with its iconic thick metal bars standing strongly before you. No opening for an escape was to be seen; not even a window to let the air in the dungeon circulate.

Your body shivered in fright when a loud noise wavered your hearing. A man with charcoal hair and the end of his locks appearing a snowy white, entered the room with a hand over his mouth. He coughed lightly, a hoarse sound escaping his throat. His slick black jacket stood adequately over his shoulders while his whole entire wardrobe seemed fairly basic. The albino figure looked sick and weak, but his expression made you think differently. He glared at you, no pity escaping his strong aura. This individual wasn't someone to mess around with if that's one thing you learned from the being.

"I can't believe I have to deal with such a waste of space," he muttered under his breath with such arrogance.

You felt somehow hurt, but not surprised. It wasn't the first time a stranger was throwing rude comments at you. You weren't unknown to this kind of behavior, but that didn't necessarily mean that it was considered a good thing.

"Higuchi, bring me the knife on the counter," he scoffed, his hand leading its way towards his pale mouth one more time.

"Yes, Akutagawa-senpai," the lady with blonde hair obeyed with admiration in her voice.

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