A Man's Emotions

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"What?," you questioned in disbelief. Had Kunikida gone mad? Trying to mess with one of the city's largest and most deadliest organization's was certainly one of the most idiotic things you had ever heard. You weren't ignorant about these cruel mafiosos anymore since you had met them with your own eyes. A feeble and stupendous maiden like you wasn't up for the task.

"I don't need to repeat myself," the man replied in a monotonous voice. The commitment he held in regard's of his necessity for your cooperation was stubborn. The blonde adult had acknowledged how much of a righteous opportunity this was, and so, he went into action. Your help was an ideal solution for the agency's reputation against the Port Mafia.

"You're delusional," you muttered under your breath as you sighed helplessly, "I'm but a mere human being. I'm not strong, I'm not smart nor am I skilled in anything. I don't possess any kind of ability which would guarantee my safety. I'm powerless against the mafia and I'm sure you've noticed my incompetence."

"You lack self-confidence, that's the problem," Kunikida expressed as he crossed his arms on top of his chest in a nonchalant way, "There's surely a reason why they wanted to recruit you. The Port Mafia isn't some random brainless organization—they wouldn't offer a job to anyone. I'm not forcing you to cooperate with us, but if you do, I can guarantee that you'll be recompensed with the past memories you've lost."

After much thinking, you finally came to a conclusion. The mafia wasn't an agency to meddle with, sure, but you were already familiar with one of their executives: Chuuya Nakahara. From your rendez-vous's with the man, the redhead grew fond of you just like you grew to like him. If ever there was a problem to occur in this mission of yours, surely he'd help you. Unless, of course, he was one of those individuals whom expressed much loyalty to their job. Kunikida was patiently waiting for a response, prepared for whatever words were going to come out of your refined mouth.

"Alright," you managed to respond after eternally long minutes, "In one condition," you continued in a dominant air which resulted into the narrowing of Kunikida's eye brows, "I want something else. Of course, I'd absolutely love to regain my memories, but I also want information on Dazai's past," you smugly told the other; his facade expressing nothing but hesitance. "It would be simply horrible if the city knew about our little compromise. So I hope you can obtain that for me, or else there are going to be certain consequences."

"I'll see what I can do," the man finally answered after much reflection, "Come back tomorrow and I'll give you a proper answer."

"No pressure," you cockily giggled under your breath. In some way you looked wicked; your mouth was shaped into a slight curve, your eyes were dancing devilishly while glaring at Kunikida's face and your eye brows were held high, looking as if you were up to pure mischief. "I'll be taking my leave now. Have a good day, Kunikida-kun."

"You too, (Y,N)," the man uttered in a discouraged air.


You walked alongside a pond during night fall as stars danced gleefully in the endless sky. Numerous ducks were gathered in the water as they swam peacefully in search of food. A light wind hit your face; the feeling soothing and comforting. Each step you took caused your limbs to tire themselves, though you ignored it since you were feeling rather proud at the moment. Your negotiation with Kunikida was certainly a deal-breaker, but you had hope in the other's final answer. The thought of knowing more about that invigorating brunet set your heart on fire as if you'd been running a marathon for far too long. His mysterious being was like nothing you had ever seen before. Knowing more about such a person would surely advance your wits and fulfill your deep curiosity.

In an instant, a familiar voice started chanting a preposterous song all while staring at you attentively. The individual was trying to capture your attention, which evidently, worked perfectly. When you turned around, shock rose to your face as you noticed those hazel orbs glaring attractively in your direction. His tall slender body was once again leaning towards yours in much proximity, but you seemed unfazed. His presence wasn't flustering anymore, in fact, you felt especially confident next to Dazai.

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