Night Terror

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In a dark abandoned room, there stood your whimpering bruised body as you drowned in sorrow. Your wrists and ankles were cuffed to a cement wall whilst your head kept hovering to the side through the painful earfuls the man in front of you was yelling. His angered state only worsened your behavior, making you more depressed and irked. Tears drifted along your beautiful facade as slight cuts reddened on your cheeks; the stinging of the wounds worsening because of the salty liquid streaming in them. It was all the more agonizing when the scientist would kick and punch you in the stomach in order to get your full attention. A spark of blood or saliva would achingly come out of your mouth with a hurting noise coming from the back of your throat. The individual was toying with you and putting your body through hell, all for one simple reason; he wanted to create a monster out of you.

After what felt like an eternity of endless torture, the man un-cuffed your limbs and forcefully dragged you across a slim hallway. As you entered a white-washed laboratory, you screamed numerous cuss words— you knew all too well what was going to happen to you. Every week, at least once, you were to be operated and tested on. Whether it was mentally or physically, the operations were nothing but receiving torment. Even though you tried getting out of their firm grips, you never managed to escape their grudge on your body. As your cries grew louder, the man and women wearing lab coats began positioning your half naked body onto a freezing metal table. They began cuffing you again, but this time it wasn't just your arms and legs, every part of your being was attached to the standing object. They placed an odd helmet on your head which composed of colourful buttons; the device was meant to send electric waves towards your nerve system, resulting into your brain receiving numerous shocks. You couldn't quite comprehend what the scientists were saying, but it seemed rather hazardous. With laughing grins, they approached you with a needle containing an unknown substance. After putting the liquid inside of you, you began feeling rather dizzy and tired. You soon passed out as the other's began experimenting different things on your body. The last thing you heard the man from earlier say was:

"My little girl will soon become the world's greatest invention."

You woke up with goosebumps all over your body. As you shook in worry, tears began dwelling your face as you tried giving yourself a hug in order to try and comfort your terrorized state. Without even noticing your surroundings, you quickly began yelling in pain as the memories of your very vivid dream began replaying in your head. The noise the instruments the individuals used were still echoing throughout your brain like a song on repeat. Your stomach could still feel the pressure of keen knifes beginning to slice your skin. The feeling was horrible, simply atrocious. The blanket you found yourself in soon began soaking from your crying visage. Everything was constantly playing on loop; your head was suffering greatly whereas your limbs were throbbing uncontrollably.

You hadn't noticed, but loud steps began rushing towards the room you found yourself in. It was at this exact moment that you finally acknowledged the location you resided. This wasn't your house nor was it a hotel. Your expression turned into a worried one as you tried getting up from your current position. Without having the time to think of something useful, a tall slender body entered the premises in a rather grand way. The door was slammed onto the wall as his panting face moved towards your body to hug you tightly. Never before had you received such attention when you found yourself in a broken state. His arms stroking your back and hair felt utterly reassuring whilst his soft voice whispered mantras to calm your crazy nerves. The bandaged individual was like a deity in your eyes at this exact moment; so god-like and powerful.

"It's okay, (Y,N)," he muttered into your ears while embracing you closely, "I'm here now, you don't have to worry."

After hearing those few words, you breathed out in relief as you wrapped your arms around his back. Your face was now buried against his shoulder, meaning you could smell his typical scent. It was sweet yet dangerously bitter; if anything you felt drawn to it. His warmth was overpowering your entire body as if he were an enormous fire displayed on a campground during winter. You could feel his soft locks tickling your cheeks as his head buried in the crook of your neck; the sensation being rather flustering. When he finally backed away, the suicidal maniac placed both the palm of his hands on your broad shoulders to make clear eye contact with you. Once his pools glared at yours in such an anticipating way, you found yourself completely flushed.

"Want to talk about it?," Dazai asked with such a tender voice; the sound similar to a bird's beautiful chant on an early spring morning.

"I-I just had a nightmare, that's a-all," you finally stuttered as your lips quivered nervously. When you noticed his interrogative expression, knowing he sought a better response, you immediately got into details with your vision. "Some scientists were torturing me and using my body for experiments. I-I was undergoing weird surgical operations and it all felt so... so real. I know it wasn't, but I can somehow still feel their hands trailing against my skin and puncturing holes into it. They kept hitting me until I'd cry my eyes out. The last thing I remember from my dream was suddenly passing out by some weird substance they put into my veins."

"Do you remember how the people in your dream looked like?," the brunet questioned once again, though this time he truly felt curious about your sudden terrifying trance.

"Their faces were too blurry for me to get a clear view, but there was this one man that...Well, he sort of resembled me, in some way. He had grayish hair and almond-shaped (E,C) eyes. He wasn't especially tall and his frame wasn't muscular either. The shape of his face was so similar to mine... I can't help but think that that person is someone close to me, or at least someone that I've already met before."

"I see," the bandaged individual muttered under his breath while reassuringly stroking your hair, "Don't think about it anymore. Just keep your focus on me, okay?"

"Okay," you whispered against his lips, which sent shivers down his spine.

After your exchange of words with Dazai, the both of you stood comfortably into each other's comforting warmth. When he acknowledged your sleeping figure, since you had fallen into a deep slumber after exhausting your body from the crying mess you made it endure, the brunet placed your delicate frame under the covers of the mattress which laid on the floor. He tugged you in and softly brushed your (H,C) locks behind your ears. His slender fingers softly traced delicate lines on your visage in order to relax your being. It felt absolutely heavenly; similar to the comfort of your mother's presence when you were but a mere child. Dazai kept admiring your light breathing and the way your chest went up and down whenever you'd take delightful heaves of oxygen. His eyes were set on your rosy winsome lips which were slightly parted, revealing the tip of your beautiful white teeth. The suicidal maniac couldn't help but appreciate those long dark eyelashes of yours which stood perfectly over your eye lids. Everything composing your physique was exceedingly alluring— even a specialized temptress would feel rather insecure next to your figure.

After gazing at your facade for what seemed to last only a few seconds, when in reality lasted about ten minutes, Dazai finally settled to leave as he pressed his own florid lips onto your forehead. His touch was comparable to a set of butterflies making their way up your stomach as their wings happily fluttered against your skin. The man got up and exited the room with a faint smile plastering his refined features, content that he was able to be useful. His hushed footsteps began slowly walking away towards his own room as he calmly breathed in and out, stress releasing itself from his spirit.

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