Dance The Night Away

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The sun settled into a beautiful orange and yellow swirl, the colors complimenting themselves like fiery flames drawn on a canvas. No clouds were in sight during this fine evening. It was as though the sky was liberated from all despair and agony. Although each tint of color was surprisingly astonishing and flamboyant, the darkness hidden within them was undeniably noticeable. The world could be so beautiful, yet the messages hidden inside these wonders were saddening and repulsive.

Your model-like complexion paraded the town in search of your apartment; your sense of orientation was troubling which only slowed the process. Gazing through the amazed visages of others, your mind felt at ease. Receiving looks gave you confidence, even if the individual's glare was only of bad intent.

The evening was bound to be delightful. As a matter of fact, a certain brunet was waiting for your arrival in your apartment. You couldn't get enough of that bandaged man; he was simply too enlightening. Every moment spent with him was like a dream come true, yet it was indeed factual. After living a tremendously horrid childhood, this lifestyle of yours was a complete fantasy. Finally, you were free from all torture and abuse.

Parading through the streets of Yokohama wasn't an unsettling thing per say, but knowing that multiple criminals with special abilities lingered in the dark made you somewhat skeptical of your environment. This town was known for its dark demeneor. In fact, it was compared to dementors; creatures that consumed one's happiness to create an ambiance of despair and anguish. The city was filled with intriguing mysteries and wicked civilians. It was said that you crossed at least one immoral serial killer per day. The thought gave you a flustering fright.

As you walked alone in the streets of Yokohama, the brunet had ordered some crab for the both of you. The man expressed a tremendous love for shellfish and sake; the taste of these sustenances were simply enchanting.

He was already familiar with your household, so he didn't have any difficulty situating certain things. The bandaged man began looking through your books; a rather small collection since you weren't ambitious about reading. Somewhere along the line was a book entitled 'No Longer Human'. Dazai shrivelled at the sight whilst his breathing hitched. He didn't think he'd come across this piece of literature once again. Although he thought gravely of the book, he questioned why you possessed such a thing. The meaning of the book was somewhat depressing; it saddened him to know that you enjoyed such things.

After skipping through multiple books, he found an old album of yours. Numerous photos were ragged and ripped up to shreds as if you had previously thrown a fit. Certain red squiggles were harshly drawn on top of a peculiar man. Dazai wasn't able to identify the individual's identity, though he supposed the man was your father, or at most, a family member.

The brunet decided to ignore it since he wasn't even supposed to meddle with your personal space in the first place. He strolled around the kitchen and got everything he needed to set the table—a big wooden circle with a white snowy cloth covering the surface. In the middle of it all, a bouquet of red roses was placed near the silverware. It was surprising that Dazai had gone out of his way to get a wreath of flowers for you. The man wasn't known for showing any sign of affection towards others, but he supposed that you were different from the rest.

Eventually, a high-pitched bell chime resonated throughout your apartment which only caused the brunet to happily advance towards the entrance. A giddy smile was plastered on his refined face once he opened the door. When he noticed your state, he immediately frowned.

"What happened?," the man worriedly asked as he stopped himself from causing an uproar. Your face contained numerous scratches which revealed  droplets of blood here and there. The outfit you wore was torn apart, but thankfully, you weren't exposing any of your private parts. Your arms were swelling with small bruises. Although you looked terribly awful, your face was contradicting; a faint close-eyed smile exposed your features.

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