Chu Chu's Teasing Personality

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"It's been a while, (Y,N)."

Your gaze immediately met his, eyes squinting as you tried getting a clue on the man's mindless actions. The both of you could be seen roaming around town in the air like a pair of love birds— literal love birds. Chuuya was known for being an individual full of surprises, and this surely was unexpected. When you met the redhead once again, you never thought that he'd be so inconsiderate of your feelings; he simply took you into his arms and fled you around town. Although you found yourself in quite a pickle, you enjoyed the mafioso's company. Therefore, spending time with Chuuya was a blessing. Arms still holding his neck firmly, he rapidly advanced forward.

"I have some good news," you eventually exclaimed as the strong wind hit your locks, the air feeling somewhat heavier than usual. Chuuya glanced at you in curiosity before his eyes focused up front. The both of you were close enough to reach the fleecy clouds aimlessly standing in the ocean-blue sky.

"And what could that be?," the man interrogated after much analyses. He personally didn't like going into depth with conversations, but if it meant listening to your angelic voice, the redhead could spend hours on end conversing with you. His eyes were a dazzling cerulean. People with colored eyes had always intrigued you; it was as if you could get lost in such exquisite pools. Staring at the redhead's eyes was similar to gazing at a never-ending sea as the faraway sun settled down for night time; its rays reflecting on top of the water. His orange hair was also a sight to see. You simply adored pumpkins; from the color to the taste, all of it was appreciable. Chuuya's bright fiery taint of hair was beautiful, and as it swayed in the wind, his locks seemed more elegant and prepossessing.

"I've decided to join the Port Mafia," you merely answered as his pupils dilated. His reaction shocked you. You thought he'd be somewhat glad or at least happy about it. Well, it seems like that completely backfired. The expression he wore was ominous, as if he was displeased about your choice of words. In all honesty, you weren't actually going to join the Port Mafia; the only reason you said such a thing was because of your dangerous compromise with the agency's leader. Sooner or later, he'd eventually find out. What bothered you the most was that you were being dishonest with Chuuya; a man so subtle and kind despite having a hot-tempered personality didn't deserve such treatment. It physically hurt you to lie in front of his gorgeous face; like a thousand needles being forcefully shoved down your throat.

"I'm probably not one to say this, but you really shouldn't join us. It's not safe for you," the mafioso replied as his now-stern expression gazed up front. The distressed look in his mildly prominent eyes was enough to convince you that the redhead was indeed worried about your well-being. If a member of the Port Mafia was claiming that this specific organization was deadly and vicious, surely he was being honest and realistic. You wiggled your eye brows like a worm trying to get inside the earth. Chuuya knew you were confused; utterly bewildered. "I know it may sound weird coming from me, but I'm being honest with you. I've seen multiple things these past years I wish I hadn't. You'd only be inflicting pain on yourself."

"I couldn't care less about the pain it'll cause me," you abruptly expressed as you rolled your eyes. You hated being seen as a weak and inferior being, because deep down, you knew they were right. Since the day you were brought to this world you had been a feeble person; that is, emotionally. Physically, you were strong and powerful, though that was something you weren't aware of. Mentally, you had dealt with numerous traumatic tragedies over the course of your life which probably explained why you had always been depressed.

"I never thought of you as a masochist, (Y,N)," Chuuya chuckled under his breath as a smirk cornered his lips. You gasped aloud, stunned at the redhead's remark. His words were oblivious, as if he hadn't processed the fact that they were clearly inappropriate given the current situation. The mafioso was a tease, and a big one he was. He loved toying with people and putting them in an embarrassed state, but he hated it when people treated him the same way.

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