A Ghost-Like Face

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Your face turned an even paler color with sudden sweat drops sliding the side's of your face. You gulped in terror, not knowing what you could possibly do in such a situation. The stranger advanced his long legs towards you with such elegance. He truly looked like a walking model with such striking features illuminating his body and facade. Akutagawa was surely one of the prettiest sights you had ever seen, but the darkness hidden behind his grey orbs was worrying. The man looked somewhat lonely and betrayed, as if he had lived a horrible past. Which sure enough was completely true. This individual had been longing for a certain praising coming from a suicidal man whom you were acknowledged with. If one thing, Akutagawa was surely in denial and his only hope at succeeding was receiving some sort of affirmation towards his ability from Dazai.

When he squatted in front of your stunning face, the sharp object in his hand was now fleeting dangerously close to your throat. You could almost feel it slicing your skin with a slow agonizing pain. You shivered in fright, unable to defend yourself from whatever attack the criminal would throw at you. Akutagawa sighed and looked somehow deceived by his own actions. The man backed away with his odd hair swaying gently on top of his shoulders, the air to his perfect physique making him all the more scrumptious.

"Higuchi, leave (Y,N)-san and I alone," he scoffed with a hint of exasperation escaping his mouth and body language.

"But sir, I was specifically told by M-," the woman tried saying but was soon interrupted by the impatient being.

"I don't care. I'll talk with him later if I have to," Akutagawa growled, clearly annoyed by the lady's stubborn act.

"Right. Contact me if ever anything h-."

"Leave," he simply exclaimed, his arms motioning towards the door with an agressive index finger pointing the maiden onto the exit.

Higuchi simply nodded in understatement and squirmed sadly out of the cell. You felt bad for the poor maiden who's only goal was to be the best apprentice any one could ever have. She didn't possess any ability of the sort, but Higuchi was especially good with guns and seduction. If it was needed, she'd go undercover as a normal civilian and charmingly attract which ever man came into her sight in order to steal their money and belongings. It wasn't a hard task, it just demanded some sort of patience with the opposite sex. If one thing, you admired her stunning beauty with enlightenment in your soft orbs.

Akutagawa had turned his head towards your face once again in order to properly have a conversation with you. The knife was still standing in the palm of his hand, as sharp as ever. You could figuratively see your own dripping scarlet blood along the sides of the object with the strong stench of the liquid encompassing the room. The man gazed at you with no fondness in sight, just a monotone expression with a face to kill.

His eyes expressed murder-like intents upon any victim he'd traumatize terrifyingly. Even though he possessed a short height and quite frankly, a petite-looking body, the individual was equipped with such a powerful gift. His power was especially used for killing and killing only. Driven by such crazy thoughts, he'd often go on rampages around town and terrorize innocent homeless people parading the streets with the hope of succeeding in life one day. Akutagawa never pitied such wasteful beings. In fact, he looked down upon them and thought they'd be better off dead. A man with sympathy, he wasn't.

"We'd like for you to join the Port Mafia," he simply told you, the usual serious expression on his face still remaining.

You couldn't exactly process what the man had said. It was so sudden and unimaginable. In which way were you to contribute to the Port Mafia? Akutagawa was probably out of his mind, or more preciously, the leader of the bunch was a lunatic. In any case, you were a lonely girl with no remarking ability of the sort. Your weak body was certainly unimpressive, as for your wits, they weren't exactly flabbergasting. Nothing of your individuality was mesmerizing, so why bother giving such a righteous offer?

"I don't know why our boss would bother offering such a great job to you," Akutagawa started after gently coughing into his pale hands, "but apparently, you possess an incredible ability."

"Incredible ability?," you questioned dumbfounded, "I don't even have a gift. I don't know what you're talking about."

"Listen here, you waste of space," he mockingly exclaimed while approaching the knife even closer to your face, "I'm not going to ask you twice. But I'm warning you, neglecting this offer will bring a great ordeal of misfortune in your life. You should be prepared to face the consequences."

"I'm not going to join this stupid organization of yours," you protested in irritation, "I have no clue what you're talking about and I have no interest in such worthless jobs. I don't care about your dumb consequences, so be it."

His expression at the moment was surely pleasant to gaze at. His unnoticeable eye brows jumped in shock, confused after hearing such an aggressive response. The man's powerful orbs were staring at you, widened and surprised. Every single feature of his had changed. As for you, you were in shock by your own words. This wasn't some mere civilian you were dealing with, but rather a mafioso with a thrill to commit crimes. Unironically, he let go of the knife which fell onto the hard flooring with a high-pitched sound grazing the floor. He started heading outside the cell in disbelief, stunned that such an arousing women had snickered mischievous sayings towards the Port Mafia. In any case, instead of being irked, Akutagawa was impressed. Impressed that such a feeble maiden had exclaimed exceedingly horrid words. 

"You'll regret saying these spiteful things," he muttered with a slight smirk hovering the corner of his lips, "Until then, enjoy being enslaved in our exquisite facility."

You flinched at the mere thought of being held captive for a long period of time in such a disgusting place. In all honesty, you were a bit scared on the outcome of the situation. Hopefully someone was going to come to your rescue and stop these criminals from jeopardizing your existence. But, if that was the case, then who would go through all this trouble just to help a stranger like you?

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