Chapter 1 - Our New Home

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-January 28th, 2020; 6 pm, Light Snow-


"Taro, we need to talk about something..." Taro's mother said on the phone.

Taro was sitting out on the porch of his and Budo's house, holding a sleeping infant boy in his arms.

"So, I've relooked at our family's history and..." her voice was a bit shaky, "I'm... not entirely sure how to phrase this... There's quite a lot in our DNA actually, but I'll focus on this one concerning part... Taro, I'm very concerned about the fact that he could end up-"

She paused and thought carefully about her next words. Taro waited while watching the little bits of snow flutter down. One snowflake landed on Ryukon's little nose and Taro smiled.

"Listen mother... I know that I had to deal with certain events at my school in the past, but I doubt something like that is genetic..." Taro said, "besides, I did that to help Budo, not because I liked doing it."

"Well Taro, you seem very.........attached to Budo, don't you think?"

Mrs. Yamada wiped some sweat off her forehead. Taro deadpanned and looked down at Ryukon. Ryukon was blowing small clouds of smoke out of his nose.

"I'm not overly-attached to him. I just love him dearly," Taro said, "and Ryukon will likely never be in a situation where he will have to be extreme.... Well, that's what you guys like to call it anyway..." he chuckled.

"Well, maybe... but Taro, you ran away with Budo. You left everything behind for him."

"We had to! If we stayed, we would have been in danger with that Ayano girl trying to kill us! I wasn't risking it, so we left!"

Mrs. Yamada flinched. Ryukon was beginning to wake up, releasing more smoke from his nose. Taro smiled at his "little dragon."

"I have to go. Ryukon needs to go inside. I'll talk to you later."

He then hung up. Mrs. Yamada stared at the phone in disbelief.

"He'll never notice, will he?..."

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