Chapter 6 - A Bitter Taste

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- Thursday Morning Before Class, April 16th, 2037, Sunny-

After changing his shoes at his locker, he found a few old notes stuck in the corner by the entrance door. He picked up the dusty yet colorful notes and looked at all the insults. Based on the obsolete insults used and the withered ink, it seemed retro. He shrugged and consumed the notes in his hand with a red fire. Whoever's locker he had, they sure weren't popular...

Ryukon walked over to the Cooking Club and stopped when he heard muffled insults down the hall. He peaked in and found the other members working with haste around the kitchen. Tameko had complete control over the club from what is cooked in it, to even the design. The room had lost its pink decor and was replaced with monochrome orange. Ryukon hesitated to get this mission started, but then crumbled the doubt in his fist after seeing Keito cry.

"He's more important..." he walked in with a little wave and tapped Tameko's shoulder, "hey, I'm Ryukon. I was wondering, um... what's going on here?" he watched a vein grow on the side of Tameko's head. He caught the eyes of the other club members, staring at him as if he's done the forbidden.

Tameko crossed her arms, "this is the Cooking Club, or should I say Young Chef's Club!" Tameko started, "we have no time for people dropping by and interrupting greatness! Unless you are here to cook, I don't hear your voice! Please leave and wait for your daily snacks like the rest of the commoners. Be gone!" she blew a small yellow flame onto the table.

Ryukon found a Fire Type being the cooking club leader rather fitting. He made his way out of the club room and closed the door behind him. He then froze, seeing Keito walking down the hall by himself. He wondered where his friends were. Ryukon walked over to him and paused in his path. Keito raised a brow at him.

"Hey..." Ryukon started, "how do you talk to Tameko?..."

Keito's face softened a little from Ryukon's voice. He was so straight forward, but his voice was so sweet as if he really didn't know any better. Keito leaned against the wall.

"What do you need to talk to her for?"

"I just need to ask her a few questions, but she just kicked me out..." Ryukon replied.

Keito groaned thinking about Tameko. His mind echoed her yelling over how the flavor profiles of most people's school lunches were corrupted. His mother, Amai,didn't like the Tasseis much either.

"Don't even bother talking to her... All she thinks about is criticizing people's food... In my opinion, she not even that good at it... You can't even go into the room unless she's there..." Keito noticed that Ryukon was unmoved and his eyes lightened up a bit. He smoothed out Ryukon's bangs, which finally made him react, "sorry, can't help you there~..." Keito said softly. He then walked around Ryukon.

Ryukon's face was tingling from Keito's fingers. He swore that his skin was becoming more and more sensitive with every touch. He immediately took out his phone and messaged Info White on how to get into the room without Tameko.

"Glad to hear from you again," Info White started, "go after school around 5 pm since that's when they're making their big meals. There's a big gourmet dessert competition this Saturday at Buraza Grand Kitchen. You have until Friday, aka tomorrow to figure out something."

Ryukon scratched his head from the tight deadline. He walked back into the Cooking Club to see someone sobbing on the counter. He was gripping onto the counter for his poor life.

"ARE YOU SERIOUS?... You cooked the life out of these steaks!" Tameko roared, "what are you? WHO are you??"

"I'M SORRY!" He cried.

"Those steaks are so dry that you can sand your mother's feet with them! Filth!"

She threw the steaks downward to hell with how hard she slammed them to the floor. They were of course on fire. Ryukon gave a wiggly wave to grab the group's attention.

"Hey I'm back~" Ryukon started, "a little direct, but can I join the club?"

The other members were shaking their heads in warning, but they admired his odd determination. Tameko glared at him, but then smirked.

"If you can handle it, very well~ Come by at 5 pm tomorrow. We will be cooking for a special competition on Saturday." she said, "let's see what you're capable of... Hopefully I don't have to whip you into shape too much..."

Ryukon nodded and exited the room since he was not needed today, "I can only hope this is the right thing to do..."


-Friday Afternoon, April 17th, 2037, 5 pm, Sunny-

Ryukon was walking back to the Cooking Club room around the demanded time and had a plan. It was juvenile, but foolproof. The halls were empty since most people were either home, or were in their club rooms. He glared at his feet for how loud they were clicking in the halls. Ryukon made it to the room and found the others grouped around the main cooking table.

"Put on your apron," Tameko ordered, "we need the best dessert for tomorrow and we need to practice."

Ryukon complied and put on the last apron. Tameko talked about the game plan while he got ready. He barely heard what she was saying. As she spoke about the gourmet dessert they were going to practice creating, he studied her.

"So she knows Keito...and she's keeping him trapped..." Ryukon thought, "If she's so determined to keep him in this gang, then I shouldn't feel bad about ruining this... I think..."

"Alright, any questions?" Tameko asked.

"Um yes," Ryukon started, "what time is the event tomorrow?"

Tameko deadpanned and waved a finger at him. His hand budged slightly from attempting to grab it.

"Tsk Tsk..." she started, "you planned on joining the Young Chef's Club, yet you don't know anything about tomorrow?... Do NOT hold us back!"

Tameko slapped a spoon onto the counter. The others flinched. It even echoed down the hall, "looks like I will have to train you extra hard..." she gave a grandiose smile, "It's tomorrow, 6 pm at Buraza Grand Kitchen... Don't be late... Alright, let's GET TO WORK."

Ryukon made note of that. The club got into their positions and swiftly got out the ingredients. 

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